Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Maisy Birthday Supplies

anti-prison-action: Report & Awards

Unfortunately, only very "small bread" ... xx xxx xxxx in the preparations for anti-prison-action from 19.06. we had a slightly larger, if possible, regional, public demonstration against the construction presented first privately-organized capitalist prison in NRW. We had "extended probe" a few. But there is a lack of appropriate structures. It was then only a small rally in Cologne-Kalk, a traditional district-Arbeiter/innen- and unemployed. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Random was directly adjacent to a commercial street party. Our demonstration period 10-12 clock was obviously unfavorable. Neither there, let alone us Adjacent, "excluded" there was much public. We are obviously not used to the long opening times of shops, so the fact that Saturday for the people so later starts. Also for the desired Kundgebungs-Teilnehmer/innen from the "scene" of the early start was probably a hindrance. We were equipped with a small speaker system. This was not so strong that it reaches the edge of the commercial street party would have been clearly audible. And we were at Active participation fluctuating never enough for us both at a formal level, the use of the system in general could enforce. Fortunately, but could not see until just before the end of no police. came just before the end of which one to walk, asked if there was something special and went back xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Granted, this also shows how irrelevant and harmless to us were the "order" authorities. But we did stop but the possibility for two hours with music, some of the speeches, leaflet distribution and a few calls to make advertising for our cause. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We had not formulated speeches ready, but enough for aspects in the head, improvising wanted. We were then very little to the mike, because it never gave a lot of people at the same time in our neighborhood. Certainly a bit boring for the rally participants, who came in support, without continuously to make anti-prison work. We were just focused on random passersby. Of course, the greeting message for the Day of Action by Thomas Meyer-Falk read out from the jail of Bruchsal, the at least our campaign participants applauded. (In the last issue, the readers of the prisoner's newsletter Fall - see - were invited to send contributions. Had they done this all, we would probably have to read all the time. Would of course also have been useful as a prisoner of conscious and active communication grad currently present.) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx as propaganda material, we had a double-sided leaflet in German and Turkish. Mostly we tried to come up with by distributing in each contact. There were some trouble with guards of the commercial celebration, the distributing behind an imaginary line, and claimed that the organizers have also opens out to a road or right. Containing threatened again with police. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It was striking that none of the passersby knew anything about the establishment of a private prison in our neighborhood. Those with whom we came into the conversation felt that to be problematic and worthy of being pursued. Furthermore, we did not conflict with, even though we of course reject the state prison and propagate as a long-term goal society without prisons. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx But it was an impulse. We at "Autonomous jail project will draw the conclusion, more often with leafleting, which also offer to discuss are to appear in the district. We know that there are a lot of experience with prison, are threatened by it, or at least subject to social controls and sanctions, which could bring with them the willingness of solidarity. For a long time we regret that the anti-jail-assets come mainly from outside connections, which have non-arrest after a short demo no experience with jail. - Please no misunderstanding! We do not experience in prison comrades undocumented, with whom we have worked. We only wish that more experienced prison are from underprivileged social conditions, even more migrants en to comrades undocumented or, if they even those are better with our network in the anti-jail campaign. We do not mean that anti-jail-fight was to be their sole combat. But hold on an area that should be fought in which ALSO, because if we are to overcome the repressive structures of this society. Only when the broader sections of society Sanktionssytem make publicly and aggressively questioned, there is (again) a climate that must take place in the permanent exclusion, the strengthening of the ruling cliques withdrawals. At least we would not zufriedenstellbar with small mini-reform. But we know that we target of the far-reaching in the light of current power relations are far away. This is a reminder to us to try more in mobilizing stakeholders, often displacing the suffered repression, even by anarchist, social-critical "left" circles often not understood and not feel they belong. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx An activist of the observation group to the Düsseldorf 129-b-processes involved in our campaign with their own leaflets. Because their information members of the "Anatolian Federation concerned, which - at the fundamental deflection Hung regime in Turkey - have stood up for issues of migrants' s, this, too, was interested especially in the Welcomed people from Turkey. reduce xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx order in freedom fighting, emancipatory, left-wing environment, the marginality of the issue to jail something that we had for the afternoon, a film and discussion event (the brutalization of Franz Blum) 16 since the April-occupied autonomous center recognized this was expected to attend a minimum. The movie room was in self-management jungle also used twice. We departed from to a smaller space. Also this only a beginning. We are now a month to organize on the last Sunday, an anti-prison and café in AZ. And if this threatened Project should not have stock in the same place, we will participate in subsequent projects. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx After the event in AZ wanted to make a megaphone single spontaneous action on the Cologne-Ossendorf jail to show by this action and the prisoners that they are not forgotten. The initiative came from a comrade who had participated in the same day in a small group of successful megaphone sound of the Aachen jail. Unfortunately we had to discourage this and other volunteer participation that they could reach as Ossendorf jail on no prisoners. We also had to rally in Aachen last September so visual and Winkkontakte had, had been heard. In our experience, it's not possible Ossendorf jail. Sight there is none. And even with a large investment in selected locations, and after notice from then very attentive prisoners get no signal inside. Scheiss Iso architecture! Whether other local activities under the motto "anything that makes you fun" given so far is beyond our knowledge. The Profiteursfirma Koetter - Privatknäste previous operator in Germany - screw up the repression business really, we can make any case only if there were a mass base of resistance. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x We are aware that such a small action such as ours, is negligible. Still, who was with groups from other cities agreed action an impulse. We will strive to achieve continuity.
akp cologne xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx other reports on anti-prison-action xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx see on abc Berlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx