Friday, May 14, 2010

20mm Phosphate Buffer Ph 7.0

Why anti-prison-action?

We, a coalition of groups from different cities call on a I Action Day on June 19, 2010 against the prison society in all its facets. I Let us set a clear sign. We show in diverse and creative activities, locally and around the world, what we think of the idea of total control.
  The ratio of jail and prison violence  
means oppression, control, exploitation and helplessness. Structural Violence is part of our society. It is based on our legal system No wonder that they even outside the prisons, and makes no maintenance in the form of individual violence such as abuse and sexual abuse discharges. Normally take within dises system a crucial role. They are part of the internal hierarchies and behave accordingly. They know that they have in their position of power over people and get them off as well. There are always abuses by employees of the prisons. Be it pure frustration, racial motivation or in any insurgency. In France there are specially trained units such as the "IRIS". They are equipped similarly to the CRS units on the road in suburbs. NO undPersonal are the prisons, like the judiciary and the police authorities part of the problem and not part of the solution.
  jail and precariat  
million people worldwide are sitting behind bars. A large percentage is due to property crimes such as theft or robbery, locked away. So because of alleged offenses, consciously or not- deliberately against the ownership and exploitation logic of capitalism business and the way to "prosperity" to shorten . Others can no longer afford the rent or land for multiple black- go under construction. As before, the prison also a means of destruction of class consciousness and the creation of environments without awareness of their situation. External social control, such as by agencies and authorities, makes a better monitoring and disciplining by the "de- omission" is possible. In the U.S. study "How unregulated is the U.S. Market laboratory?" The expansion of prisons in favor the unemployment statistics would be welcome. This idea, combined with a "zero tolerance policy ," the sentences already calls for the smallest offense comes in Europe on appeal. Still puts the development of the prison as means of labor market regulation in the infancy.
  jail and migration  
migrants suffer under the pressure of global security society. Many of them die Europe or even in trying the U.S. to achieve. Those who manage to to overcome the heavily armed border with be within this persecuted, imprisoned in camps and erkennungsdientstlich treated, eg by SIS SIS 1 or 2nd Humiliated and sometimes severely traumatized, they are now awaiting deportation to their bitter Poverty or certain death. Even death before or during the removal are not uncommon. As part of the reorientation European security policy, it is men to further expand the pre- mounted deportation, in the so-called safe third countries, and better recognition and control of migration flows com- . To achieve this goal is also made before working with dictators like Gaddafi no maintenance. Getting the people , the global crisis Len felt ammeisten, brings This approach en with "security" a life of fear, persecution and imprisonment. There
     psychiatry, the white prison   
addition to the prison for "conventional" criminals, there are also those coercive institutions of "misleading" people who Psychiatry. All too often is completely without to question in "Normal" and "Abnormal" divided. preventive everything is scratching at the shell heal our world through medication or therapy quiet made. Uncomfortable is also locked up here and locked away. In a world in which the normally their uniforms to the more subtle white coats of the exchange Institute staff , criticism is difficult and often comes on deaf ears. Since , where parts medicine any human action to start the line or to reduce misallocation of our synapses, the On- bites in the declaration tail. A biological determinism resolves the free at will. Not to be this alleged knowledge of a forced briefing, to protect its own integrity underpinned. Again, there is a tendency to classify themselves as inferior, not powerful enough as . The pharmaceutical companies hal-th available in this case many products for self improvement. One of the most common substances is the speed derivative Ritalin. showed leisungs and aufnhamefähiger and will at some universities University welcomes even indirectly. This is a self-disciplining on specific neurological level the same. A quality that it during of the history of the "prison society" so did not exist.
   jail as the logic of society   
The prison, in the form of solitary confinement, that is true not only those who understand explicitly as political activists. Often there are well-functioning solidarity structures, the affected people, particularly DERS-store from the left world, in a detention. This is also good, but it can do lead to very quickly forget what logic behind these buildings made of steel and concrete behind the symbiosis of architecture and authority. The prison as part of a system understand the means of disciplining punishment on which our based society. It is an expression of power relations in which we live. Discipline and self-discipline, in fear of punishment, keeps us firmly in the standardized paths of recovery. From factories, schools and hospitals to the universities, all produce. Some goods other knowledge, the nearest health or disease. In this case, as already mentioned , Ar architecture and over- monitoring closely linked with authority and punishment. A view over the own nose, as in the organizational structure of so-called sweatshops, enough. The time of thrashing Arbeitsaufseher_Innen who have the floor plan of the production halls at any time an overview of the Arbeiter_Innen, is not over. Sweat Stores an integral part of global for capital accumulation. is a result of man-made poverty and rural exodus is this form of production spread mainly in global South. Similar "unfree" and monitored as in-custody institutions, the people here at degrading conditions and exploited for a pittance, humiliated and abused. But also in Western countries there is misconduct within the production a broad, though structural Held, range of sanctions. Most they extend to such reminders, referrals, deletion of benefits, layoffs and sackings. Within certain social this layer but quickly mean a further social decline. They bring in a spiral so motion that the gap between rich and poor, privileged and unprivileged further enlarged. A feedback effect is the so-called increase crime. The system manages itself going Occasions for the further expansion of construction of security and control. This is a kind of power unfolding strategy, which is less by some individuals, but rather by systemic peculiarities caused. The joy of voluntary self-disclosure, especially the privileged- Ren layers, via "Web 2.0" is a frightening trend of free- consent monitoring. European safety authorities have recognized this and want the so-called social networks, as part of the Stockholm program, use of forward-looking criminology. By This mishmash of terrorism and climate change at many people, the drive to self-regulation and the demands for more surveillance, standards and laws significantly. In the wake of these developments a preventive strategy to Aufstandsbe is fighting non- not only tolerated but also encouraged. Concepts such as "Managing Crowds" should help to stifle future expected turmoil possible as possible in the germ of . Self NATO maintains internal security and peace for the key to a "successful intervention" outside the Member States. The states "inside" are only the culmination of tendencies "outside". The realities of the "two worlds" inside and outside the walls are similar more. An increase in monitoring, poverty, power and adjustment pressure is palpable and omnipresent- currently. The Civil Criminal society depends, especially in times of global "multiple crises against the lower classes, undocumented people and social movements. The number of so-called "social prisoners" is increasing day by day. The European security architecture is being further expanded. And burn away from the public people in detentions. The prison society is reality.
world down with all the prisons! for free communication, Freedom of movement and interaction with conflict! To overcome the prison society!


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