at different locations in the German speaking *** (in at least 7 different cities)
A AA The Cologne Post:
AAA against privatization, exclusion and exploitation
for a caring society
AA for many years in this society is a massive process of erosion of solidarity. This process is accompanied by an increasing impoverishment of large sections of the population. Fear of social decline characterizes the lives of many people. The rulers are trying to divert our anger at alleged scapegoats: The lazy Greeks, the work-shy unemployed, the evil cons etc.. The low-laborers are afraid of Hartz IV, so they swallow poor working conditions and starvation wages. A whole industry has komzentriert to the exploitation and disciplining of the unemployed. Now the economic exploitation of the prisoners should be encouraged. In the United States and China, this process has progressed much further. Many products from discount stores are from China's labor camps. Since the privatization of many U.S. prisons, the number of prisoners has increased dramatically. The prison industry has a huge appetite for new cheap labor. This route will now go and Germany. In Ratingen currently the first private prison in NRW will be built. Built by the company Bilfinger and Berger (yes, with the Cologne underground collapse). then the jail will be operated by the company KÖTTER. The black sheriff of this company we all know. They throw us out of the consortium as recordable, if we demand our money. Whether at the airport or in public transport - all we have in these mercenaries. Outside, we can go out of the way the guy. The prisoners can not. Honestly, you'd like this all day KÖTTER types be delivered?
Are they private prisons actually worse than State ?
A prison is an essential component of the capitalist system (this is also pseudo-socialism = state capitalism). If we are fighting for a society without prisons, therefore, inevitably we fight for an anti-capitalist society. This company feeds from more and more people a pittance, while a few make the bags full. This property ownership must be done by the prison system are maintained. How else should the poor like this be held to bring from the rich what they need? In this respect, of course, also protect the capitalist system of exploitation state prisons. To face increasing impoverishment outside to get the deterrent effect of the Knaster upright, have the living conditions of prisoners to be tightened more and more. On the one hand, the sentences imposed are getting longer (keyword: preventive detention), on the other hand, pressure is growing, the most of the labor of the prisoners out of it. Precisely here that the operator of Privatknästen. On the one hand, they rely on savings in the medical, social and psychological "care" of the prisoners (all at state prisons already a farce and part of the discipline.). On the other hand, the prisoners all they need (food, stationery, toiletries, etc.) bought from the private prison operator. That so keep a private monopoly capitalist at inflated prices, is arguably understandable. The most important point is, however, in the exploitation of labor power. Professional Ausbildungsmaßnehmen that there are already too few are likely, probably soon be a thing of the past. Industrial piece work for the private prison operator much more lucrative. Prison is the states. In some provinces there are already Privatknäste. From there, nothing good can be heard. If now the first private prison in Ratingen will be built in North Rhine-Westphalia, that includes a development in this country is set in motion that we do not want.
No private jail in North Rhine-Westphalia (and elsewhere)!
KÖTTER mess up the repression of business! AA
# AAA the long run: For society without prisons! akp cologne