Sunday, December 27, 2009

How Di U Know A Man Is Interested In U

The Great Misunderstanding

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When we speak of a society without prisons, many believe our interviewees THIS society without prisons and hold it to be a utopia. You are right. This society is based so much on competition, violence and power that they do not exist without prisons or other forms of punishment can. But it is not naive to believe that this model of society is the last word? Is it really totally unrealistic to believe that companies sometimes organize otherwise could? From small to we face in this society by force and punishment. Much of it is caused by the crass öknomische injustice in this society. If the child goes hungry in the kindergarten because parents (often only the mother) belong to the lower third of the company, this is of course violence. And of course it feels the child as punishment, if he is deprived of much of what is for rich kids parents for granted. This violence is then seamlessly integrated into the School continued (over the school system could be more than just a review Write) . Who then after school the "alternative" has yet to be precarious cheap labor or Hartz 4 receiver, it feels natural as violence. Also, penalties are usually held in this country on an economic level. For non-standard behavior, or even rebellion, a nationwide chain stretched from pocket money withdrawal, over the refusal of performance by the consortium to the fine. Even in prison will find most of servitude rather than on the level öknomischen: shopping ban or withdrawal of TV.Geräts are only examples. A very economically unjust society can only just with violence and enforce.
violence breeds violence
who breaks the cycle of violence?
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There is also undeniable direct physical violence. This is direct violence it at the individual and the state level. Both rising. Both have to do with each other and swing each other high. In other words: the more violent a country is, the more violent the population. This is exemplified in the relationship of war and prison. States enter the war which lead to an increase in violence in society. According to a recent survey over 10% of all prisoners in Britain former soldiers. In the U.S. there was a similar experience with Vietnam veterans. Who can kill by the state, losing just a natural Inhibitions. The same applies to the death penalty. Who says its people that killing under certain circumstances permitted and desired, so what sends out a signal? But sometimes highly individual violence escalates, so they "passed on" to some extent. Undeniably many violent people as children have themselves been victims of violence. The 5-year-old, who is abused is regretted by all, especially the STUPID newspaper. Ten years later, he proposes to himself and is suddenly "the beast". To put it in the stupid newspaper. Individual violence is often not only a reaction to self-experienced physical violence, but often a reaction to structural social violence. State violence is not only the maintenance of unjust social relations. It satisfies the violent fantasies of those who shy away for any reason from carrying even individual violence.
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abolitionism is not an end
If we formulate our goal of a society without prisons "we often hear the question, what good is the here and now? If we say that this is a long-term goal, that under the prevailing conditions are not violent society can be realized immediately, so it does not mean that we are now waiting passively until the appropriate social conditions are met. No, small steps are now necessary. Precisely because we pretending the big goal, the direction, we run the risk of being reformist. Reformism means to improve the existing system of injustice. Something is fundamentally wrong but can not be improved in our view. We can only try to push back the system step by step.
from IMPUNITY 01 of November 2009


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