Sunday, December 27, 2009

How To Draw A Science Logo

We want the shit no

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Bilfinger Berger is building the "JVA.KÖTTER"
created in the first private prison in Ratingen NRW
The construction company Bilfinger and Berger has specialized in the construction of Privatknästen. An obviously lucrative business model "is imprisoned in this country always" true to the motto. A crisis-proof business. The latest major order comes from the NRW Ministry of Justice. In Ratingen will establish a new prison for 850 prisoners. Why the land for a new building, expected to cost 100 million, paid rather MONTHLY 1.7 million and that for 25 years, instead of building it right itself, we are interested enough. Each new prison for us is one too many. When the prisons are overflowing, people just need to be let out, instead of constantly building new prisons. Whether it is really necessary to black drivers and other egg thieves, imprison, that would be a question which is provide those companies. Even those involved with the imprisonment is not generally a problem.
So it is for us could not care less relative, whether Now the state or a private prison company that builds. We both hate it. It is different from the ongoing "Operation" of this prison. This is to be organized by the company KÖTTER. The company KÖTTER is known to many by her "black sheriff" harass us all kinds of places Consortiums and from undesired visitors try to foreclose, the homeless sell their seats. In addition, the company KÖTTER a known slave traders.
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As for this company, especially qualified to hiss as the medical and social organize care for prisoners particularly well to open up, not us. Example of the new jail in Ratingen, to be called the official "JVA Dusseldorf", is the penitentiary-Burg in Saxony-Anhalt. How cool is there anything, shows the following report from Stefan, a local prisoners
Well I arrived in Petersburg. After many fruitless calls and requests I am now on hunger strike. Not because I call something utopian, but because I only claim what is due to me anyway.
it comes to medical care to the first. The director denied the application of medically necessary action.
Secondly, the staffing of the civil service is so thin that a proper processing of our applications is impossible.
In addition to constantly competency questions, since no one knows exactly who is responsible for what. This leads to, among other things, that one is almost forced a private company (Kötter) issue a general power of social service, as it can not otherwise be working (if you have perhaps once in the hospital's)! That one is forced to rent equipment, although it - More than his own - already has. But back to this power of attorney, which is tantamount to disenfranchisement. Based on this "authority" you have been caught here as terminated without their knowledge Abo's old. Whoever has any questions?
Then here are all the previous approvals fell. So I get no such study materials and will also not be supported by the institution. And even though you know that I will later earn my money.
I am now almost a month here and still have not received even my writing materials from the chamber, so that I do leaves at the request must sign. Following request from the prison, I learned that you would like to see when I write new stuff at Institute Kaufmann new purchases, although I myself have a fear that the ratio of price and performance just is not in proportion. In total I have a feeling we are also to be brought up by perfidious means of consumption ...
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Even the remaining officers in the private prison are all probably not so great. Of 100 officials conscripted least 40 have successfully appealed against or sick leave with certificate.
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What makes prisons now for private capitalists so attractive?
The U.S. experience shows that it is primarily the area of forced labor. In the prison Dusseldorf are the future of the company Kötter 850 prisoners committed to hard labor available. These are "paid" not minimal. You have no right to strike, can not even organize a union. Sick leave is only possible via the (also of KÖTTER paid) prison doctor. Even in state prisons the effort as much profit from the work of the prisoners had to beat. Nevertheless, there it also (though too few) opportunities for education and vocational training or further education. Such measures cost money. For a private operator, this would simply be a profit reduction. What we probably private capitalist voluntarily hardly a win. Even not at the company KÖTTER which is already struck out by lousy pay.
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more question marks exist in the field of medical care. How large will be the readiness of the KÖTTER Institution doctor to prescribe expensive drugs or treatments to the prisoners, if he is therefore harmful to his employer? Even in state prisons, the medical care of prisoners was at best modest (see also report on the trial of the prison doctor in Nuremberg). That this situation would improve in the private prison, we consider highly unlikely. It would be illusory to think that we might prevent, given the balance of power this new prison in Ratingen yet. But we can offer our Reluctance to make public and visible break this terrible apparent social consensus that prison was not an issue.
Let us organize together the resistance against the prison- KÖTTER!
Photo of Ulmer Echo, Düsseldorf prisoners newspaper §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ text IMPUNITY 01 of November 2009


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