Monday, March 29, 2010

Can You Die From Asperating

content IMPUNITY No.2

Abolitionist pamphlet
= abolition abolitionist movement that is only really means: Get off the shit! Was it against slavery in the United States, against the state control of prostitution, there is generally against the death penalty, prisons and criminal justice. The latter is meant here. Was particularly widespread in the Scandinavian Ländernin the 70s and 80s. Government response was some flexibility, reforms (alleged "social rehabilitation") . In the past 20 years, but again a lot of regression in the direction of criminal logic. But there are still networks of movements against prisons and criminal justice, a world congress every 2 years (ICOPA) on alternating continents order theory and experience. (We also believe in reactionary times, it is particularly important to critical thinking & DEVELOPED further action, alternatives to get to imagine.)
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content of number 2:
* unpopular destination?
* Do we need to look for alternatives to prisons?
* Caution danger of collapse!
* How do we organize ourselves when we "run"? (thoughts from the perspective of ex-prisoners)
* seats or pay?
* "born criminal" (... the very last ...)
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In-house! In COMMON? This pamphlet (paper version) is distributed free to prisoners and other interested parties "outside". Those who are not yet behind bars are to be asked to support the project through donations. We ask especially political / social initiatives in the dissemination to help - that is, regular inspection of a number of copies - and participate in our costs through a standing order or periodic donations.
account: zosamme eV, 535348006
Kölner Bank, sort code: 37 87 1600
Purpose: Impunity
. accessible via
comments here
. @
ACP, lime Mülheimer Str 210, 51103 Köln

Letter Of Reference For Study

unpopular destination?

"society without prisons" - now sounds somehow wrong. How is this for? And that's really one or one? Against the death penalty what to do or because one is innocent, yes, no problem! Others have then there is their own "political prisoners". - But not locking up anymore, no retaliation, no justice?
And already they are all caught in the trap are disciplined in the disciplinary society, between concessions and daily co-monitoring - "He who abides by the laws that happens which nothing" - and not notice that they, too long in the crosshairs are Actually we need nothing more to do: In the near future, the prisons disappear by itself. House arrest with ankle cuffs already decided. Electronic collars are already discussed, practiced private security, smart cards, Internet checks camera surveillance, biometric assignment already, ready for social exclusion of certain social groups, migrants, undocumented refugees. All planned as a well-oiled machine with a "no-go areas". to enter only with a corresponding map.
But the transformation in the society of control is not yet complete. "Zero Tolerance", "longer sentences" - We could almost speak of a "rediscovery of the prison" if it is privatized, more and more for cost reasons. Always new and different threat scenarios are built: ". The as have gone, are deported detained," If we here again and continue to talk of "society without prisons," it means, all the tackle just said to break up, alternatives develop - because less and less by "does not concern me the" can speak out. Thus, for example forcing more people to ensure their daily survival, access to "illegal methods." 80% of the detainees are so-called "property crimes".
"society without prisons" is here and now to change our relations with each other. Conflicts can not be imprisoned. That is a day to seek and find solutions without having to resort to punishment do. Does the long term, a radical change in this society. Many of us (myself included) have perhaps their own revenge fantasies. But I think we all have our respective alternative solutions to conflicts, whether in private or public contexts, to specific methods of self defense.
Since then there are these battles, is really all been said before. I would therefore like to finally say a few sentences of prisoners in struggle from Italy:
We are against prison ...
We are against prison because it was created and designed to protect the privileges of the rich and the power of the state.
We are against prison , because a society no longer needs him, if not on money and Profits, but on freedom and solidarity.
We are against prison because we aspire to a world where the rules are really decide together.
We are against prison because even the most cruel crimes says something about ourselves, about our fears, our weaknesses.
We are against prison because nothing good can grow on subjugation and coercion.
We are against prison because we want to change this society a radical (and therefore violated their laws) because we do not want to peacefully integrate into their cities, their factories, their barracks, their shopping centers.
We are against prison because the noise of the key cells in the castle is a daily torture, isolation, a revulsion, the end of office hours an ordeal, the locked time an hourglass, which kills slowly.
We are against prison , either because they are far too many days has taken months or years, or far too many friends, comrades or strangers.
We are against prison because the people we have met in it, neither better nor worse than those that run around the outside. (Although come to think, they are still better).
We are against prison because the message of an outbreak warms our hearts more than the first day of spring.
We are against prison , because a society, it needs to imprison people and disempowering, even a jail is.
we cancel this society, we replace their laws and their right by our own rules!
Therefore: for society without prisons!
above text was
Wilfried formulated and presented together,
as speech AntiknastAK-K
on New Year's Eve rally in 2009
front of the prison Cologne Ossendorf.

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Do we look for alternatives to prisons?

Who in the spirit of abolitionism - (. Here abolition of prisons in the past, the U.S. described the abolition of slavery) - expresses, is in usually immediately confronted with the question of what alternatives he could / offer, if he / she think prisons for such bad places.
Is it useful to engage in such a search of alternatives to the criminal justice system? In my view, is The clear answer: NO, it does not make sense.
The demand for the abolition of prisons as a political context, which aims at a revolution of the prevailing conditions. A capitalist (incidentally also a "socialist") system does not require custody or jail is not enough. Behind the desire to resolve the prisons is - unspoken - the desire for regime change. A cynical political system is one which - whether with or without prisons. Therefore, it can not be a matter for government servants to devise alternatives that could take the place of prisons or will, because even the search or to search aid implies a recognition of the existing political, social and economic order.
Who says it would be unrealistic to think of abolishing the Gefängnissse and thus for a fundamental change in the system (enter), which should be remembered that the original abolitionist movement, as already indicated, was aimed at the abolition of slavery. At least in the U.S., there are today - despite all the criticism in detail, and beyond - no more slavery in the way of the 18 and 19 Century. The absolute serfdom was abolished step PARTITIONING step, albeit largely by a different, more modern Form of dependence and oppression replaced. Nevertheless! Despite all this, it applies to the abolition of prisons argue, in society for a change!
Thomas Meyer-Falk
currently JVA Bruchsal

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caution danger of collapse!

In the last issue of "impunity" yes we had complained that the construction company Bilfinger and Berger build the first private prison in Ratingen in North Rhine-Westphalia. After the experience in Cologne U-Bahn-Bau (which is responsible Bilfinger & Berger yes) because we have to revise our opinion.
We think it's great if they at the prison in Ratingen just give up the iron in the concrete, as in Cologne U-Bahn. Once firmly up against the walls and one is already out there. We do not know whether to be flooded in Ratingen on rising ground water level of the basement in order to build up a counter pressure. Also unresolved is the question of whether a storm every time the entire prison to be evacuated. Perhaps it would be simply the best, the thing does not even fertigzu Build it right back to tear.
Gerhard, ACP
from IMPUNITY No.2

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organize as we enter when we?

Some thoughts from the perspective of an ex-prisoner
If you land on a libertarian prisoners in jail, you have basically two options . You either bulkhead connected to a large extent by the prison realities and make your social and political life largely through contact with the comrades there. Or - you can be connected to an existing jail now on your environment. Then it will be exciting. Your new environment in prison is different so nunmal quite fundamentally from the policy Ghettos in which we move out there so more or less. It's just the way that we have out there to do mostly with people who think like us. In jail, you will first take relatively few comrades (at least in the same prison) where there is a high level of political and human compatibility. If you are ready, then, you enter into the jail as a new battlefield, you stand before the alliance issue. An admittedly difficult but not impossible task.
was there with me during my jail time so that this alliance was initially on a human-social level. Simply said. First, I started look to see who is sympathetic to me a human who behaves in everyday life in solidarity, not who is cooperating with the bailiffs. Expressed the other way, I've searched in jail for the first time a group of friends and then I went with those in the political offensive. I believe that it is not the other way can work. Anyone who believes that he or she could as a "political celebrity" to the masses in jail to "convert" at best "bystanders" will be found, which in turn depend in jail like so-called "celebrities".
Gerhard, Autonomous jail project (ACP Cologne)

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seats or pay?

every year. The Justice Minister proudly announced in the budget deliberations in the Bundestag, that the judiciary largely self-financed. Great. German courts can be paid by those they condemn. In other words. If I hurt someone do, must I also pay more for it. And most tuns, too, because it to them as "the lesser evil" is displayed. In speeches will be happy to talk about free elections. How free is an election in which man can only choose between two evils, like any assessment itself.
This principle applies no means only the criminal justice system, it pervades the whole society. What is a choice if I only have the opportunity to work for a pittance or harassment by the consortium to deliver me?
Another example: An unemployed person shall, when the consortium provide a medical certificate after he is unable to work. Nevertheless, it will send the consortium for 4 weeks in a so-called training workload. He feels this legislation as an attempt to assault. Still, he must sign a "contract" in which he agrees to this injury. In this country there is yes, "freedom of contract". He has the "free choice". He can sign this contract or blackmail. Signs he does not, he gets an initial 30% reduction. In spite of better knowledge, he writes and the measure is not expected, he also gets 30% reduction. As I said, this is a free country with free elections.
But let us return again to the criminal justice system. Each year over one million people are sentenced to so-called fines. The term fine is misleading. In fact, there are (replacement) - imprisonment. If you are sentenced to 60 daily rates ¿10 €, this does not mean merely that you now owe the court cashier just 600 euros, which is driven by our bailiff if necessary, as in ordinary debt. It means that you are sentenced to 60 days in jail and up only freed from the jail can. The fact that a custodial sentence jail just really means is reflected in practice.
sitting in German prisons currently about 8500 people, their "fines" could not or would not pay. Where people assume that most of these "fines" to also run as 2-3 months, it is calculated over the year about 40,000 people are affected.
is still over a million people each year, free to buy, although they often can not. How should pay a Hartz IV-beneficiary such as a "fine" of 600 €? He or she would have to the ALG II virtually any purpose for, because in the sentence provided no € yes for "fines". That courts, the "fines" imposed against the unemployed, they practically ask for wrongful behavior, we honestly could not care less. Finally, we want to abolish the criminal justice anyway.
the approximately 40,000 people who serve out a year "financial penalties" are probably a few who refuse to pay for political reasons. become well recognized for its people from the ranks of the opponents of genetic engineering, but also Juergen Hahnel, who is fighting for the decriminalization of cannabis. Otherwise, the scene inside the left politically offensive Non-payment of "fines" not very common. If someone is convicted on the scene to a "fine", so is almost an automatic solidarity work in motion, which is concerned mainly about finding the money. The question of whether there is any sense to throw this into the maw of Justice, the coal is often not even discussed to some extent. Who, as I said, that he will not give this justice, and the time necessary € rather is serving reaping, at best weary smile. For me, there is good reason to be there to make as the others that I have the time in prison not as a "lost time" look. Others may have good reasons to do otherwise.
I do not complain that decide the vast majority of comrades who pay for it. I lament that is about the possibility of non-payment at all is no longer considered public. A discussion in this direction I would like.
Gerhard, ACP

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respect ACTION DAY!

for the June 19, is an anti-prison-action for the "German room" is provided. Agreed this has been vonGruppen from Berlin, Kiel, Hamburg, Dresden, Cologne and Vienna. We hope that it is still expanding to other places. Concrete focal point in each case before Site chosen and designed. Our idea is to make a demonstration in front of the food company Koetter. This is big in business, manage partially privatized prisons or manage. The state government plans to pass her the regiment for the first such prison under construction in NRW (near Dusseldorf Ratingen =) . We are not for state prisons, but we know that non-capitalist institutions are better organized force. Much was made significantly worse. (prisoners as workers and paying customers take advantage twice, much less public scrutiny). The jail and the private company Bull, which we also "outside" often faced , we should quickly show that it is not their "private matter" is how it treats prisoners .. A NRW-wide rally, but we bring about only when groups of social movements from Cologne and elsewhere participated in the preparations. Otherwise, action will keep small and local. Prisoners are invited to participate with a "speech" (which can be read only by other unfortunately) .
text IMPUNITY No.2

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