Monday, March 29, 2010

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Do we look for alternatives to prisons?

Who in the spirit of abolitionism - (. Here abolition of prisons in the past, the U.S. described the abolition of slavery) - expresses, is in usually immediately confronted with the question of what alternatives he could / offer, if he / she think prisons for such bad places.
Is it useful to engage in such a search of alternatives to the criminal justice system? In my view, is The clear answer: NO, it does not make sense.
The demand for the abolition of prisons as a political context, which aims at a revolution of the prevailing conditions. A capitalist (incidentally also a "socialist") system does not require custody or jail is not enough. Behind the desire to resolve the prisons is - unspoken - the desire for regime change. A cynical political system is one which - whether with or without prisons. Therefore, it can not be a matter for government servants to devise alternatives that could take the place of prisons or will, because even the search or to search aid implies a recognition of the existing political, social and economic order.
Who says it would be unrealistic to think of abolishing the Gefängnissse and thus for a fundamental change in the system (enter), which should be remembered that the original abolitionist movement, as already indicated, was aimed at the abolition of slavery. At least in the U.S., there are today - despite all the criticism in detail, and beyond - no more slavery in the way of the 18 and 19 Century. The absolute serfdom was abolished step PARTITIONING step, albeit largely by a different, more modern Form of dependence and oppression replaced. Nevertheless! Despite all this, it applies to the abolition of prisons argue, in society for a change!
Thomas Meyer-Falk
currently JVA Bruchsal


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