Monday, March 29, 2010

What Is Best Hair Concealer?

seats or pay?

every year. The Justice Minister proudly announced in the budget deliberations in the Bundestag, that the judiciary largely self-financed. Great. German courts can be paid by those they condemn. In other words. If I hurt someone do, must I also pay more for it. And most tuns, too, because it to them as "the lesser evil" is displayed. In speeches will be happy to talk about free elections. How free is an election in which man can only choose between two evils, like any assessment itself.
This principle applies no means only the criminal justice system, it pervades the whole society. What is a choice if I only have the opportunity to work for a pittance or harassment by the consortium to deliver me?
Another example: An unemployed person shall, when the consortium provide a medical certificate after he is unable to work. Nevertheless, it will send the consortium for 4 weeks in a so-called training workload. He feels this legislation as an attempt to assault. Still, he must sign a "contract" in which he agrees to this injury. In this country there is yes, "freedom of contract". He has the "free choice". He can sign this contract or blackmail. Signs he does not, he gets an initial 30% reduction. In spite of better knowledge, he writes and the measure is not expected, he also gets 30% reduction. As I said, this is a free country with free elections.
But let us return again to the criminal justice system. Each year over one million people are sentenced to so-called fines. The term fine is misleading. In fact, there are (replacement) - imprisonment. If you are sentenced to 60 daily rates ¿10 €, this does not mean merely that you now owe the court cashier just 600 euros, which is driven by our bailiff if necessary, as in ordinary debt. It means that you are sentenced to 60 days in jail and up only freed from the jail can. The fact that a custodial sentence jail just really means is reflected in practice.
sitting in German prisons currently about 8500 people, their "fines" could not or would not pay. Where people assume that most of these "fines" to also run as 2-3 months, it is calculated over the year about 40,000 people are affected.
is still over a million people each year, free to buy, although they often can not. How should pay a Hartz IV-beneficiary such as a "fine" of 600 €? He or she would have to the ALG II virtually any purpose for, because in the sentence provided no € yes for "fines". That courts, the "fines" imposed against the unemployed, they practically ask for wrongful behavior, we honestly could not care less. Finally, we want to abolish the criminal justice anyway.
the approximately 40,000 people who serve out a year "financial penalties" are probably a few who refuse to pay for political reasons. become well recognized for its people from the ranks of the opponents of genetic engineering, but also Juergen Hahnel, who is fighting for the decriminalization of cannabis. Otherwise, the scene inside the left politically offensive Non-payment of "fines" not very common. If someone is convicted on the scene to a "fine", so is almost an automatic solidarity work in motion, which is concerned mainly about finding the money. The question of whether there is any sense to throw this into the maw of Justice, the coal is often not even discussed to some extent. Who, as I said, that he will not give this justice, and the time necessary € rather is serving reaping, at best weary smile. For me, there is good reason to be there to make as the others that I have the time in prison not as a "lost time" look. Others may have good reasons to do otherwise.
I do not complain that decide the vast majority of comrades who pay for it. I lament that is about the possibility of non-payment at all is no longer considered public. A discussion in this direction I would like.
Gerhard, ACP


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