Monday, March 29, 2010

Probiotics For Thrush

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Some thoughts from the perspective of an ex-prisoner
If you land on a libertarian prisoners in jail, you have basically two options . You either bulkhead connected to a large extent by the prison realities and make your social and political life largely through contact with the comrades there. Or - you can be connected to an existing jail now on your environment. Then it will be exciting. Your new environment in prison is different so nunmal quite fundamentally from the policy Ghettos in which we move out there so more or less. It's just the way that we have out there to do mostly with people who think like us. In jail, you will first take relatively few comrades (at least in the same prison) where there is a high level of political and human compatibility. If you are ready, then, you enter into the jail as a new battlefield, you stand before the alliance issue. An admittedly difficult but not impossible task.
was there with me during my jail time so that this alliance was initially on a human-social level. Simply said. First, I started look to see who is sympathetic to me a human who behaves in everyday life in solidarity, not who is cooperating with the bailiffs. Expressed the other way, I've searched in jail for the first time a group of friends and then I went with those in the political offensive. I believe that it is not the other way can work. Anyone who believes that he or she could as a "political celebrity" to the masses in jail to "convert" at best "bystanders" will be found, which in turn depend in jail like so-called "celebrities".
Gerhard, Autonomous jail project (ACP Cologne)


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