Thursday, December 30, 2010

Brain Aneurysm Symptoms Tmj

jail on New Year's Eve!

first Come to the annual New Year's Anti-jail-Demo:
................................................ ........................ ...................... ...... For a society without prisons! ................................................ ........................... ... ....................... . Like every year we want to move back to New Year's Eve at the prison in Cologne Ossendorf and express our solidarity with all the people living in captivity. We want to show the people behind the walls that we have not forgotten them and continue to fight for a society without prisons. A society that is in need, to incapacitate and incarcerate people, even a prison! Here we go by 18 clock off at Rector Street-Klein line 5 in Cologne Ossendorf. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ second Then - from 23 clock - rises with the slogan "Electrification" of the Soli-/Geburtstags-/Silvester-Party Antifa AK autonomous center in Cologne. The ideal party for those who have no desire to over-priced and commercial New Year's Eve parties and would rather support the political work of the Antifa AK. For 5 years [A] gitation & [K] rawall are far enough Included are the djs of aesthetics & Others destruction.


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