Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Warm Up Songs With No Words

Welcome in 2011

The old year is over now and for our animals start of a new year. I think I speak for all when I say that we are all glad that the holiday stress is over. It has also played at our house but nothing. Out of respect for my animals we move the family and friends gatherings almost always somewhere else. Our kitty Kimba is anyway very sensitive and as we do its only a good thing if we do not busy over the holiday celebrations. Despite that, we had no home celebrations, it was hectic before Christmas, since we were traveling more often than planned. Anyone who reads my human fate knows by now that we drove our car broken. Hm was not so hot and we were really ready. Was full of sweet that Mia has a nose for when someone needs comfort. She came in immediately and do not read my own.

the Christmas tree, we have denied ourselves this year, as our Timmy already my Advent flower arrangement with candle threw down and played with the table decoration. He would tear down the tree for sure: D I still have the hope that it will be quiet over the next year and then we can try with the tree.

Since we had before and during the holidays without more, of course we were always home. The cats have got used already totally tuned and "besiege" us day and night. Chill and cuddle for hours was announced. Above all, our Kimba can no longer depend on us. If we do not sit on the couch with a blanket she runs to the couch and screaming until someone finally snuggles up to the ceiling and sit down. Then it is the first which makes it comfortably on your lap. Very torn our Diva! Previously, she was always away and never came into the living room. Today she is here to stay by our side. I think that's really beautiful. Even among gabs less noise. Timmy sets Mia more often alone. Maybe he realized that Misa does not want to romp. Otherwise, it was

as I said very quietly and there was nothing great new.

Here are some snapshots from the last days:


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