Monday, January 24, 2011

Question About Audition For Jyp


Last Wednesday we had a full moon. I have from childhood to problems getting to sleep when the moon is full. I do not know why, but it has been ever Sun Now I want but do not tell me, but is of our cat Timmy.

I noticed that the boy ran into the full moon like a carved through the house and made noise. He was very restless and bleated as though to himself. He also angered Mia & Kimba. I once heard that animals react to the moon phases. Now I wonder whether this is really so, or if I transfer my own uneasiness (back and forth roll in bed) on Timmy. Who knows maybe he's there, too sensitive for that. Our Kimba also always pees when I'm sad and then cry. Maybe he was just annoyed constant pounding from Hazel. That was finally the night when I converted the living room and the door had to close so that my cats confuse free-range rabbit with no toys.

On 19 March is full moon again then I'm the eighth time on it if he so again by the wind. But I would be really interesting times if there is something like a lunar addiction in animals.


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