Friday, February 25, 2011

Square D Fuse Panel Layout

Meaningful employment for cats

cats need jobs. Most cats in our households spend over 75% of their day alone. We need to finally make money as a holder and this is often not at home. Some tigers are in office this time, even all alone and have no other dogs to romp and play.

The daily routine of a cat on grazing alone, is very manageable. Their activities are therefore limited mostly to, cleaning doze want, and eat. Here comes quickly to boredom, which is reflected not least, only the soul of an animal. When the cat is frustrated it is possible - from our perspective on "silly thoughts" and possibly suffering then our furniture including because they are they scratched or damaged. There is no vandalism. For the cat it's just a kind of alternative employment.

why it is important that you offer an alternative at this time. Commercially available toys are sometimes boring. Always the same fur mouse, or the same ball will eventually no longer perceived as attractive. If we want to always read the same book or watch the same movie: And if we're honest?

cats require not only the opportunity to live out their hunting instinct (replacement looting it), but also need a job or spiritual thinking and strategy games. What for us is solving a crossword puzzle is for a cat attaining a hidden / inaccessible prey. For this purpose they used initially only used your mind to explore how it gets to the loot. The curiosity then do their part, as it's're off. The already sharp mind of a cat is so trained and sensitized.

The cat will reward friends and alertness. Another goody is that is drilled next to the brain training is the skill and muscle.

Active cats are happy cats. Unemployed cats tend sometimes to behavioral problems. In order to prevent this there are very easy methods that not only the cat alone, but also promotes collaborative interaction.

leaves from simple things, for example, build a so-called "cat Fummel board. Then have some things in the household is recovered as waste such as toilet paper roll or cardboard boxes, plastic Waschmitteldosierer, yogurt cups, etc. Also components of wood are accepted by cats like. The imagination knows no limits. I would see only that no sharp objects are used and if plastic parts can detach and possibly verschlugbar are.

cats Fummel boards have already come out as so-called therapy toys ready to buy from plastic. However, these are sometimes expensive and often consist of only one module. Extensions cost extra again.

who always wants to create something new for his velvet paws which I rate it really self-build. On the web there are many craft instructions. I find it very successfully this website: fun for cats

We have yourself some commercial Fummel planks of wood. However, we will create something even Our model will be introduced in a few days here

tinkering So just go nicely.)

Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Hack An Xbox 360 Controller To Work

"Impunity" No 4-Year Jail

At irregular intervals, we publish an "abolitionist pamphlet," a kind of pamphlet for the allegedly liberal, emancipatory movements that the subject of criminal justice and prisons sometimes think but not consistently liberal, arguing flyer for a small distributor committed prisoner. We want to keep the awareness alive or trigger, that penalties and displacement Perren logical consequences are an embossed power of society that we have on the way to exempt company find other ways of conflict resolution. A few weeks ago we "impunity" No.4 completed, distributed in Cologne in some places and in the prisons sent. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We would be pleased if interested start to discuss at this point about the argument put forward. And if anyone of you has contact to a / a batch system critical prisoners, we feel it would be good if you say this / would this that it is our pamphlet, prisoners can order them. As a sample you could perhaps also the first time the lyrics of "impunity 4" send to / the question / s prisoner / s ... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / akp cologne x

What Is The Cost To Ski

rally in Cologne

In previous years, usually many and sometimes lengthy Preparatory meeting in advance of New Year's jail rally. Often associated with the question of how much we need to mobilize for, to at least get the necessary for the operation of the loudspeaker system 50 people together. This year it was something different. And that's good. Somehow we were convinced all: The New Year's jail rally in Cologne is "almost" a sure-grown. Sure, without a few committed, caring for plant and trucks, still do not leave. But - with posters and flyers, this time we were cautious. We had enough confidence in "the Cologne left" that we started out just like that would get enough people already. And that's it for. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sat with about a half-hour delay to about a hundred fifty people on the move. Like every year we went half a lap around the jail. The closers who live in their houses around the prison grounds and thus prevent us closer has been requested a fucking year. There was the obligatory greetings to the prisoners in different languages. Actually, it was like every year. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And yet - something was different this time. Next to me was a small, giving the militant group. Suddenly started this group after "Freedom for all ..? Political prisoners " call I was irritated by what had happened, the return of Antiimps respond before I could come, but already the counter from the larger part of the demo. freedom for all prisoners I felt at ease in the demonstration. One of the black robed then said if we were going for free, the fascists. Well, even those who freedom for all "political prisoners" calls calls, so that freedom for the fascists. The bourgeois, in my view the concept of "political prisoners" does not say from about sitting for what political people. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Political opponents have human fight differently. Prison is in any case. There are certain things we simply have to reject in principle. There would be no one to say yes to the idea: I am against the death penalty, except for Nazis. No, we are against the death penalty - no ifs and buts. We are against war - no ifs and buts. We are against exploitation - without any ifs and buts. And we are opposed to prisons - no ifs and buts. This does not now, that each other can hurt konsequenzenlos. But the conclusion can not be jail. Since we have to look for other solutions. Prison is certainly not an acceptable solution. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / Gerhard xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of "impunity" No.4

Should You Take Antibiotics For Pneau

Berlin trip was worth

... a subjective report from the anti-prison days xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx From 26-28. November took place in Berlin, the annual anti-prison days. We drove to fourth from Cologne to Berlin. The meeting took place at the legendary Bethany. I was curious. So far, I knew that Bethany's only from the song of the body: "The Marianne was blue, so much bulls were there ......" naive as we were, we stumbled first purely in the main building and were horrified. Everything seemed so terribly chic and sprayed "the charm of the tired old citizen centers. The Porter then referred us to a neighboring building. Well, there we all came from already much better known. On Friday evening, an estimated eighty people were there. In the evening there was a single workshop. A comrade from Berlin, the relatively short time in prison was reported on his experiences. Unfortunately, the room was too small and so many had to sit on the floor. Since I am physically unfit the fittest, I unfortunately had to retire after a quarter of an hour. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx was the main program, as always at such meetings take place on Saturday. There were about 100 people there and it usually took two workshops held in parallel. I had a workshop on addiction and prison prepared. For one, I'm selfish. On the other addiction plays in the anti-prison work a minor role, although at least 80% of prisoners are addicts. Also in the radical left out addicts hardly play a role. And if there are hardly any points out, why should it be different in jail? I'm even in Cologne, the great exception. Although I will be tolerated by the left scene in Cologne, although I confess to my addiction offensively. But I'm not just the ex-convict, but also resolute adversary system. system respondent to be not only means herzutragen a distant goal like a flag in front of him, but it will obviously impact on the everyday behavior. Therefore, I will accept from the left scene to some extent. I still would not fit into a left housing community. The comrades who were with me not happy. And I do not. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the moment I'm still living with two punks in our club rooms more mismatched than right. But that also does not work. It fails not turn that it is dirty and we siffig. The two punks are hardcore Alkis. I am addicted and use the alk practically as "methadone". True fasting is rare because someone. The mostly bourgeois left in our rooms would dare not even likely with rubber gloves. So, the shared Chaos I could already tell some addicts. But - the two punks who have quite big, a big A in a circle on the chest, or your APPD uniforms. For longer conversations, but always quickly noticed how much reactionary filth behind the "anarchist" facade lies. Therefore, we separate the near future. But I can not afford the fee for the club rooms. Therefore we have to give up in the spring of the rooms. This will mean then probably much homelessness. Now you will ask yourself why I've told you the whole shit. Well, firstly I want to explain why I was so important to a workshop on drug and on the other I do not know how it will go to the "unpunished" if I'm on the road. Now back to the workshop in Berlin. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In the run I had doubts if I was ever destined to make such a workshop. Finally, I am only pathological gambler and "half" alcoholic. But from the large group of junkies, I've little idea. Luckily I met on Friday evening, a comrade in Berlin, which used to be hung on the needle. She was never in jail, but at least on the subject - life as a junkie, they could eliminate gaps in my knowledge. My workshop was then Saturday morning at 11 of the first. I even jokingly said to Bix: The issue we now are likely to fifth. Amazingly, the room was jam-packed but. I estimate 40-50 people. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I first tried to explain to the comrades, what is the percentage of addicts among the prisoners. The JVA Bielefeld, for example, reported 77%, but as the game addicts are not even counted yet, and also come out so not all addicts over the asylum. Because man has a much more disadvantages addict in jail. As usual, I expressed my regret then, that it's almost natural that in anti-prison events No former prisoners (at least not from the area of so-called "social" prisoners) are present. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Almost wistfully, I told then by the time the anti-jail-workshop in Cologne. A few years after my release I had initiated this project and Come out in the good years of the project there were many times 50-60 years in prison gathered. We are involved in squatting and other political actions and through our project work we were in town and visible presence. Even within the left we had a different status than now, when I practice as a crazy lone wolf trying to hold up the flag. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx After the comrade had then told of their experiences during their junk time, there developed a lively discussion. Especially after the question of sense or nonsense of therapy has been discussed lively. That forced therapies have been unanimously rejected, should be a matter of course in the frame. More exciting was it was already in the question of how to handle it, if prisoners decide "voluntarily" for therapy. The majority were, like me, believes that it is very questionable, in a compulsory body such as the jail at all to speak of "voluntary". xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx After a half hour was with me but then the air out. My body called massively for a cigarette. And so ended the first, in my view, successful, workshop. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / Gerhard, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of "impunity" No.4

Lump Beside Adams Apple

we need "political prisoners"?

this denouncing questions for a workshop at the Berlin anti-prison days xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx we need that we need for the abolition of the state , repression, criminal justice and prisons, prisoners at all? No! But if there still is, we need politically conscious, resisting, fighting and fighting prisoners? Do we need solidarity with movements outside and with fellow prisoners cooperated prisoners? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx we need "political prisoners" ? Oh dear, what are they at all for what? Is that the politically conscious , no matter what they incarcerated? If the policy actions under Retracted? Those who justify their action politically? So are the anarchist undocumented, left-wing radicals and Nazis alike? If the companions undocumented in jail? Those that come from the movements, we were known before the arrest ? Or even those maladjusted loner / internal were or are in jail politicize ? Is this perhaps even the "simple" resistance in everyday life? The "simple" solidarity with fellow prisoners? Solidarity, especially with the weak, those who fall into "the mill" without denouncing it.? If the politically active or victims a stabilizing system, political justice? In the latter sense ALL prisoners were "political prisoners" , for our to "divide and rule" rights based system - like any other - a political one. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Or is "political prisoners" a terminology which distinguish them from our side do? Of the prisoners, we do not know with whom we have to do anything? From the "criminals" that we dare not just to call it that, to us but not haunted? If "our" prisoners "political" prisoners so the "good" prisoners, who thus freed of the stigma are the prisoners usually attached? Need prisoners from the movements of these special labeling as a quality? Do the movements outside it in order not to have to share time in prison, criminal justice and exclusion patterns apart in a class society? If they will not even share in it? / bix xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The "free discussion": xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The actual event was different than expected. The question "Do we need 'political' Prisoners? "Should be a provocation, an invitation for debate. We were at the agreed upon by our anti-libertarian alliance jail days. I counted at different positions on the issue, did not conduct, also declined an opening statement. Liberal discussion among liberal committed! Then that the intended theme was taken from me at all, almost, was disappointing for me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx came the other hand, problems of language I did not want to push aside. Want to argue about words, while it broke out as an accusation that it is much too little practical Solidarity with imprisoned comrades undocumented were struck me as inappropriate quibble. The fact that the movements that call for "direct action", on resistance, in being responsible and act in solidarity in support of their imprisoned members is, of course. However, it was complained strongly that this is not such a classification. In periods of detention, which had more than a few weeks or months, this task remain largely in specialized anti-repression groups or family members and close personal friend of undocumented about the respective prisoners. And there were mostly women who are receiving such continuity upright, while the other activists, more important have to do than to worry about "washed socks" of the cooperative. (Obviously an example from pre-trial detention situations) The whole thing is much like a public insult become. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx There were very few participants in the well-attended workshops, which were received at the contact with prisoners, do not come from our movements. In this short a debate about whether we, if we are for the abolition of prisons, must stand in solidarity with all prisoners, or whether the limit corresponds to "fighting prisoners" our objectives. A comrade said that with the first written contact would introduce some prisoners to "apologize", you are not a "political prisoner". Obviously, the fear, then to not be important enough that man / woman auseinandnersetze with them. They would not feel to have the necessary degree. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So even those who are marginalized by, relate to these concepts. And it was used by almost all the discussants at face value. A comrade from Berlin ABC said it was not him understand why the topic was even raised. The moth of the anti-jail-days "with the jail break society and the world, it produces' mean it clear that it is about everyone and everything go to ALL of repression, exclusion and power structures, all prisoners behind bars and the supposedly "free" non-free society. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Agreed, said the motto of this! And there were also workshops on Knastsytem general. In my view, however, remains in the libertarian movement much mere slogan. Whilst, the Berlin ABC-Genoss/inn/en the "impunity" and the "Wall" in solidarity to their website. If we look at but their own publications, it is almost exclusively anarchist comrades undocumented world, their situation, their struggles. And the term "political prisoners" seems to be scarcely been examined. The exception: An ABC comrade from Vienna tried relatively late, as was already said a lot, but still on the intended topic of me to steer towards. He rejected this terminology, regret that was not discussed. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx this I was grateful. At the latest I would want to take up, at least as a kind of final statement. I missed this opportunity was too surprised and astonished at the recent course, I had stiffened so it "my" topic not to press do when the congregation seem to have no interest in it. I was afraid to appear as dogmatic. On the other side: most of those present were silent. All this so as to be "liberal" of becoming even silent listener, was probably a kind of violence against the majority. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx missed the final statement xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Vienna Comrade said that the questions in the written notice had been granted. They have not been discussed. My mistake, for I have they are not again made. However, I had the feeling, that which has broken rail, the complaint about lack of practical solidarity with imprisoned comrades undocumented from our movements, should not be pushed aside. This is a contradiction within the movement. This is a problem. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx But now an attempt to my starting point to address my discussion of motivation. I believe we need as long as there are prisons (as in all areas of social conflict) politically conscious, resisting, fighting and fighting people. We need solidarity with fellow and movements out there willing to cooperate with prisoners. We too "out there" are confronted with repression and threat of jail. We need Zusammehalt together of interested parties (without overlooking minor differences). What concerns me or us but also about the questionable nature of the definition "Czech political prisoners." And we, the ACP have the problem with this position in the "scene" often stand quite alone. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Man generally a "homo politicus' needs is different and is used by others. The stereotypical classification of known companions undocumented acts uE divisive in respect of the whole of the prisoners, is also ambiguous, misleading. "Politically," but says nothing. This ought to be further defined. Are they victims of a policy or subjects of political action? And what kind of policy: the suppression or liberation? Sorry, these are still questions. They remain as such. When it comes to the motivation for the "crime" is: Nazis also act politically motivated. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx But let the the ambiguity beisteite times. I know it and we all know that if we say that we mean people of our community, our movements, if they have fallen into the clutches of the law. And indeed, if they justify their act politically, if not they are "very private" get into trouble. And it will not be discussed as they are in jail "political" act .. why this term "political prisoners" as a static label, as appreciative Order? As distinct from those other than exclusion. This limits our view of the repressive system on class justice. It makes the prisoners invisible or unworthy of attention, the political consciousness only in the jail or contact than previous single fighter / inside of us. But we can, in jail not buck up and come down; need than our fellow-combatants. Even if we with many of them still need to discuss far-reaching goals. But we need revolutionary oriented so also with each other. I hope others in the "scene" in a discussion regarding the I set into the space issues, some other time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / bix of "impunity" No.4

.hydroment's Grout Stain

My mustard requested

Bix has meant missing there an addendum to her report. Although I find this quite extensively, I will still give my opinion on the subject, based largely on the experience of my own jail time. For I was the first time all pretty clear. When you come to jail, there are two classes: Those who are incarcerated and those imprisoned. Who's friend and who was foe, has always been clear. This is not altered by the fact that there are distinct among the incarcerated and under the unsympathetic closers a few less bad. This does not change the boundary. If we have made in my subsequent jail time for action claims, these were claims for ALL prisoners. With special requirements for individuals I've always had my difficulties. Obs goes now to the merging or release. Nevertheless, there are differences in their daily work together. The practical work in the jail and the prisoners In my view, comparable to the unemployed movement. Of course, we are generally against Hartz IV Nevertheless, some unemployed Ekelpakete such that we are a practical cooperation with them can hardly imagine. Nevertheless, we urge the general abolition of Hartz IV and not only the abolition of left-wing radicals. Also, I am referring to the practical anti-prison work largely captive to the comrades. Only I have a different term if you do not like who it was and now comrade. Who's "class" does not reveal (in the prison that is the "class" of prisoners) is my first time comrade. Whether he sits, because he torched a car or because he has attacked ne gambling hall in order to finance his addiction to me is a shit. Somehow that would put most of that now in the drawer "fighting prisoners. Although I reject these drawers, because they split easily and I think in some cases absurd. No one would well up with the idea for an unemployment action to demand "more money for all political Hartz IV recipients. Why do we do in the area of anti-prison, is something to think about them all. / Gerhard of "impunity" No.4

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Glory Hole Orance County

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kim Karashian Furniture

times change

have in recent days, I can again make some nice shots of one of our cats. I do not want to hide from you;)

Can you imagine that this cat was quite shy before? They prefer to spend hours under the bed instead hockkte in family life?
If one looks at these photos you think that she has always been so trusting. Our Kimba has really changed in the last year and for the better. It has become so clingy become like all our other velvet paws and would have almost no longer on our side. It is simple herzallerliebst:) I'm just proud

our sweet

I Have Missing Molars Can I Get Braces

divided Fraternal

In recent weeks, I have always found some dry food in my handbag. Our velvet paws are apparently afraid that I might starve to death on the road. I take it as a very large proof of love:)

Friday, February 11, 2011

How Do You Get Rid Of Impetigo Fast

Typo: Parking at 13-17 East 54th St.

The designer Paula Scher of Pentagram ; park has turned into a typographic experience. Wow, just a pity that their original concept for the exterior facade could not be enforced:
"Did You Remember Where We Parked the Car?" should stand here in big letters ..
The font used is, in other Publisher .

Friday, February 4, 2011

Collar Bone Burning Sensation

Moonstruck New Pics

This week I got a couple of times to new animal photos to upload.
In my Gallery you can the new photos in the albums
"My Cats" and "My rabbit" marvel.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wedding Planners Slogan

Project: Visiting Othmarschen

Here again a living documentary of mine, who was born last Sunday. This time not in the neighborhood but for a change in Othmarschen. Enjoy the show!