Monday, February 21, 2011

Should You Take Antibiotics For Pneau

Berlin trip was worth

... a subjective report from the anti-prison days xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx From 26-28. November took place in Berlin, the annual anti-prison days. We drove to fourth from Cologne to Berlin. The meeting took place at the legendary Bethany. I was curious. So far, I knew that Bethany's only from the song of the body: "The Marianne was blue, so much bulls were there ......" naive as we were, we stumbled first purely in the main building and were horrified. Everything seemed so terribly chic and sprayed "the charm of the tired old citizen centers. The Porter then referred us to a neighboring building. Well, there we all came from already much better known. On Friday evening, an estimated eighty people were there. In the evening there was a single workshop. A comrade from Berlin, the relatively short time in prison was reported on his experiences. Unfortunately, the room was too small and so many had to sit on the floor. Since I am physically unfit the fittest, I unfortunately had to retire after a quarter of an hour. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx was the main program, as always at such meetings take place on Saturday. There were about 100 people there and it usually took two workshops held in parallel. I had a workshop on addiction and prison prepared. For one, I'm selfish. On the other addiction plays in the anti-prison work a minor role, although at least 80% of prisoners are addicts. Also in the radical left out addicts hardly play a role. And if there are hardly any points out, why should it be different in jail? I'm even in Cologne, the great exception. Although I will be tolerated by the left scene in Cologne, although I confess to my addiction offensively. But I'm not just the ex-convict, but also resolute adversary system. system respondent to be not only means herzutragen a distant goal like a flag in front of him, but it will obviously impact on the everyday behavior. Therefore, I will accept from the left scene to some extent. I still would not fit into a left housing community. The comrades who were with me not happy. And I do not. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the moment I'm still living with two punks in our club rooms more mismatched than right. But that also does not work. It fails not turn that it is dirty and we siffig. The two punks are hardcore Alkis. I am addicted and use the alk practically as "methadone". True fasting is rare because someone. The mostly bourgeois left in our rooms would dare not even likely with rubber gloves. So, the shared Chaos I could already tell some addicts. But - the two punks who have quite big, a big A in a circle on the chest, or your APPD uniforms. For longer conversations, but always quickly noticed how much reactionary filth behind the "anarchist" facade lies. Therefore, we separate the near future. But I can not afford the fee for the club rooms. Therefore we have to give up in the spring of the rooms. This will mean then probably much homelessness. Now you will ask yourself why I've told you the whole shit. Well, firstly I want to explain why I was so important to a workshop on drug and on the other I do not know how it will go to the "unpunished" if I'm on the road. Now back to the workshop in Berlin. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In the run I had doubts if I was ever destined to make such a workshop. Finally, I am only pathological gambler and "half" alcoholic. But from the large group of junkies, I've little idea. Luckily I met on Friday evening, a comrade in Berlin, which used to be hung on the needle. She was never in jail, but at least on the subject - life as a junkie, they could eliminate gaps in my knowledge. My workshop was then Saturday morning at 11 of the first. I even jokingly said to Bix: The issue we now are likely to fifth. Amazingly, the room was jam-packed but. I estimate 40-50 people. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I first tried to explain to the comrades, what is the percentage of addicts among the prisoners. The JVA Bielefeld, for example, reported 77%, but as the game addicts are not even counted yet, and also come out so not all addicts over the asylum. Because man has a much more disadvantages addict in jail. As usual, I expressed my regret then, that it's almost natural that in anti-prison events No former prisoners (at least not from the area of so-called "social" prisoners) are present. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Almost wistfully, I told then by the time the anti-jail-workshop in Cologne. A few years after my release I had initiated this project and Come out in the good years of the project there were many times 50-60 years in prison gathered. We are involved in squatting and other political actions and through our project work we were in town and visible presence. Even within the left we had a different status than now, when I practice as a crazy lone wolf trying to hold up the flag. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx After the comrade had then told of their experiences during their junk time, there developed a lively discussion. Especially after the question of sense or nonsense of therapy has been discussed lively. That forced therapies have been unanimously rejected, should be a matter of course in the frame. More exciting was it was already in the question of how to handle it, if prisoners decide "voluntarily" for therapy. The majority were, like me, believes that it is very questionable, in a compulsory body such as the jail at all to speak of "voluntary". xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx After a half hour was with me but then the air out. My body called massively for a cigarette. And so ended the first, in my view, successful, workshop. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / Gerhard, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of "impunity" No.4


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