Monday, February 21, 2011

.hydroment's Grout Stain

My mustard requested

Bix has meant missing there an addendum to her report. Although I find this quite extensively, I will still give my opinion on the subject, based largely on the experience of my own jail time. For I was the first time all pretty clear. When you come to jail, there are two classes: Those who are incarcerated and those imprisoned. Who's friend and who was foe, has always been clear. This is not altered by the fact that there are distinct among the incarcerated and under the unsympathetic closers a few less bad. This does not change the boundary. If we have made in my subsequent jail time for action claims, these were claims for ALL prisoners. With special requirements for individuals I've always had my difficulties. Obs goes now to the merging or release. Nevertheless, there are differences in their daily work together. The practical work in the jail and the prisoners In my view, comparable to the unemployed movement. Of course, we are generally against Hartz IV Nevertheless, some unemployed Ekelpakete such that we are a practical cooperation with them can hardly imagine. Nevertheless, we urge the general abolition of Hartz IV and not only the abolition of left-wing radicals. Also, I am referring to the practical anti-prison work largely captive to the comrades. Only I have a different term if you do not like who it was and now comrade. Who's "class" does not reveal (in the prison that is the "class" of prisoners) is my first time comrade. Whether he sits, because he torched a car or because he has attacked ne gambling hall in order to finance his addiction to me is a shit. Somehow that would put most of that now in the drawer "fighting prisoners. Although I reject these drawers, because they split easily and I think in some cases absurd. No one would well up with the idea for an unemployment action to demand "more money for all political Hartz IV recipients. Why do we do in the area of anti-prison, is something to think about them all. / Gerhard of "impunity" No.4


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