Monday, February 21, 2011

What Is The Cost To Ski

rally in Cologne

In previous years, usually many and sometimes lengthy Preparatory meeting in advance of New Year's jail rally. Often associated with the question of how much we need to mobilize for, to at least get the necessary for the operation of the loudspeaker system 50 people together. This year it was something different. And that's good. Somehow we were convinced all: The New Year's jail rally in Cologne is "almost" a sure-grown. Sure, without a few committed, caring for plant and trucks, still do not leave. But - with posters and flyers, this time we were cautious. We had enough confidence in "the Cologne left" that we started out just like that would get enough people already. And that's it for. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sat with about a half-hour delay to about a hundred fifty people on the move. Like every year we went half a lap around the jail. The closers who live in their houses around the prison grounds and thus prevent us closer has been requested a fucking year. There was the obligatory greetings to the prisoners in different languages. Actually, it was like every year. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And yet - something was different this time. Next to me was a small, giving the militant group. Suddenly started this group after "Freedom for all ..? Political prisoners " call I was irritated by what had happened, the return of Antiimps respond before I could come, but already the counter from the larger part of the demo. freedom for all prisoners I felt at ease in the demonstration. One of the black robed then said if we were going for free, the fascists. Well, even those who freedom for all "political prisoners" calls calls, so that freedom for the fascists. The bourgeois, in my view the concept of "political prisoners" does not say from about sitting for what political people. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Political opponents have human fight differently. Prison is in any case. There are certain things we simply have to reject in principle. There would be no one to say yes to the idea: I am against the death penalty, except for Nazis. No, we are against the death penalty - no ifs and buts. We are against war - no ifs and buts. We are against exploitation - without any ifs and buts. And we are opposed to prisons - no ifs and buts. This does not now, that each other can hurt konsequenzenlos. But the conclusion can not be jail. Since we have to look for other solutions. Prison is certainly not an acceptable solution. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / Gerhard xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of "impunity" No.4


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