Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Hack An Xbox 360 Controller To Work

"Impunity" No 4-Year Jail

At irregular intervals, we publish an "abolitionist pamphlet," a kind of pamphlet for the allegedly liberal, emancipatory movements that the subject of criminal justice and prisons sometimes think but not consistently liberal, arguing flyer for a small distributor committed prisoner. We want to keep the awareness alive or trigger, that penalties and displacement Perren logical consequences are an embossed power of society that we have on the way to exempt company find other ways of conflict resolution. A few weeks ago we "impunity" No.4 completed, distributed in Cologne in some places and in the prisons sent. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We would be pleased if interested start to discuss at this point about the argument put forward. And if anyone of you has contact to a / a batch system critical prisoners, we feel it would be good if you say this / would this that it is our pamphlet, prisoners can order them. As a sample you could perhaps also the first time the lyrics of "impunity 4" send to / the question / s prisoner / s ... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / akp cologne x


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