Saturday, November 27, 2010

Burst Blood Vessel Collarbone

Project: Visiting Simone Sauvigny, Hamburg

that has something special: In the middle of the jump live on three floors and a private garden ... The whole apartment feels more like a house by at. Even the report of a residential me, when I would have gladly snapped on and himself were confiscated ...

Milena Velba In School

: The house in the house in Hamburg

The shop of Simon Sauvigny (Vintage LYS) in Hamburg has become a fixture in the field of Scandinavian furniture and vintage furniture. Clear that someone in style in his shop so is also dwells even beautiful. So here are some pictures from my living reportage from Simone.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thickbrown Mucus Discharge When Wiping

2 years without Emma

Some may keep me really mad. But I think animal lovers have lost a beloved animal to know what I'm talking about when I say that I am still very difficult when I talk about my cat Emma. You has now been exactly 2 years of death. For me, it's sometimes as if it were yesterday. Of course you have to let go sometime. But I must admit I miss this cat since the day of your death.

Everything has stuck by it are set out in our photos. Today on her death, I remember very often to the whole issue back then. Her sudden death is so unexpected. That's life, that I know, but I would have liked a few more years longer with her. It was only 5 years. Since that time I was very often alone, she was the one who gave you comfort me every day and always has been donated by my side. Therefore, everything is again twice as hard.

particular our Timmy reminds me sometimes of Emma. He has some traits that Emma is the same. However, it was just as individual as all my other animals and never will be someone who is well or will be. This need not be, because just the individual I love about cats.

This day is very hard for me, but I am positive about the future. I've also learned to let go of something, but forget I will never Emma. You will always have this special place in my life. Worth it has the sole, because it was as it was, namely, the cat touched my heart.

White Sofa Hardwood Floor

Timmy has only nonsense in your head

Our Timmy was yesterday once again out of control. Somehow he found our coconut tree and jumped in appealing. Now this is the end result of this action.

This cat is now 1.5 years old and still has nothing but mischief. Boredom can actually have not because we play a lot with him, but apparently he loves flowers, beheld jaauch always when repotting and watering flowers to ... hard to believe ...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Are Toilet Tablets Bad?

How it works?

are now again a few days passed and our nutrition project with some Fruit. At first it was difficult for Timmy as for our two ladies. He did not go to the grain-free Trofu. Since the weekend, he touched it on but. He eats while only mini portions but at least he eats it.

I applied a very simple trick. I had once a small tupperware box were filled with cat treats. At that time I had when things were a treat to the dose rustled and already knew my three that there exists something tasty. In recent weeks, there are no more treats. This is because they are not cereal and I can not only two may be some tasty and Mia will have to Guggenheim. Back to topic: Our Timmy touched the food not at all. So I just filled a small amount of the new food in a similar tupperware box and then rustled. All came with the familiar sound of running directly into the kitchen and I gave each a supposed treat. Timmy came to the taste and wanted another one and then another. He got his way this time I gave him two or three more and now he goes also to the food bowls. He tastes not so cream as the previously accustomed Sanabelle but it is the little man just have to get used to. The other two were immediately gmerkt however, that there were no real treats and are offended then get out of the kitchen. But sense and Purpose was to move to eat for me Timmy. As you can see Cats are like us, creatures of habit ;-)

Otherwise, it runs quite well. All cats may not get any tuna fish feed more and Timmy is not so nervous. Would not have believed that it could be because among other things. Well, if you know a nutritionist for animals. I will learn a lot about it. But for my animals the best ;-))

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is 7 Cm Renal Cyst Considered Large Or Small


again something in their own right ... has now since May of this year, a statistical tool that anyone with a blog posting on the Blogger indicates who, when and how to surf on the respective blog.

is interesting is what is displayed on the Google search. The exact search query is explained there. Because few know my full name (ie first and Nachman) so I can count on two hands who could not save the blog address and then searches for names and cats. Since not come as much of the question. My animals and I know not God and the world * * I said very practical

is interesting but also where you are listed on Google and also on previous pages so that traffic sources, this blog is being sought. Audience beyond the point we even know from which parts of the country or searched by the operating systems and browsers, which I find very interesting. How anonymous buzzes no one sees through the web:)

What I find interesting is that - look, so I can adjust my future themes - really even strangers.

Overall, would I want more feedback, but a pet blog is not as dependent as popular as, for example, tech-savvy blogs. Nevertheless, I am also happy about the three-digit number of visitors per month.

So go thank you and enjoy other

Stomach Bloated From Navel Hernia

Project: new color in the office

Our office has received over the weekend a new coat of paint. One reason there again to shoot some photos ...


The textile cables come in several beautiful colors on request pre-assembled with ceramic holder.

somehow find I pity if beautiful magazines disappear sometime in the big stack. Therefore, it is now with us a wall with wire hangers from the cleaners against which to hang the magazines prima ...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Long Does Pressure Canning Last

New and old sponsorship

Unfortunately I'm still not quite up-to-Date. There is one thing about which I have not even reported. It's one of my sponsors. It is a sad and happy news at the same time.

First of all, the good thing: My Godfather hangover Shanty was taught. He was indeed some time in Beuener animal shelter, waiting for a home. this he seems to have found a short time ago. The senior was taught and I wish him all the best and hope very firmly that he can keep his new warm place. Mach's Gut Shanty!

same time, my old cat Pate Leni - the one remembered or others probably remember this post - brought back. Leni was probably not due to some difficulties remain in their homes and is now back on a new home.

I have included the sponsorship back and look at times that I can visit you soon. If you want to learn about the sweet Leni can do that on the site of the shelter in Beuern

Friday, November 12, 2010

Unblock Feeds Facebook

Creative: Author and illustrator Miroslav Sasek

Yesterday I was once again on Human Empire, one of my favorite shops in the neighborhood. Simply beautiful. Difficult to buy without leaving the store ... This time was it is a book illustrator and author of the Czech Miroslav Sasek, I have discovered there again. More about and by him there to see this page .

What Is Best Diverticulitis

New Blog Roll

Among my "cat links" now you can find the cat food info blog. Here is info about any foods, ingredients from A - Z, cat food tests, etc.

Have fun

Richfeel Or Dr. Batra

feed conversion in cats

This month we have made serious thoughts about the food our cats. Although you get premium wet food and a premium dry food, but I've sometimes looked at the ingredients list, specifically the dry food and I noticed how high the percentage of cereal it is. That seems hardly to be healthy. Our Mia is our Moppelchen anyway. It is the thickest among the cats Timmy is indeed heavy in weight, but more slender. Solely opitmales Kimba has weight and is neither too thick nor too thin. She is also the one which is least fussy in terms of food. The main thing it comes on time on the mat ;-)

now have I made my search, I got advice from a nutritionist for animals and have picked a high-quality grain-free food. We have changed the feed now Tock recently. Mia and Kimba have no problem with that, but spurned our Timmy the new food. He seeks only croquettes from recent food (we mix it to still make the switch easier to design) out. He complains, and is quite a bit grumpy. As must be the little man now ...

The grain-free food is now much more meat of which was also required, because cats are not half nunmal vegetarians. Of the grain free varieties, there is only one species in a few different Brands. Currently I have taken from Happy Cat. It was now priced not cheap but not as expensive as that of Hills.
So far I have fed our velvet paws holding with canned food and dry food. They are used to it and I do not know how our picky Timmy responds when I begin to cook. Even cooked chicken, he disdains. He insists on his Almonature tuna. And this brings us to the next topic.

Our Timmy is quasi tuna hooked. He'd like to feed every day. Hardly tuna is on the menu, he hits himself alone, almost 80 grams pure. But cut off the feeding of too much tuna the cat vitamin E and forced the Pansteatitis (yellow fat disease). Ie skin (usually on the abdomen) develop painful fatty lumps. Too much fish leads to aggression and anxiety in cats. But as you wean a cat tuna?

The diet of cats as there is with everything in life, many different opinions. In some forums there are those who never open a can for your baby, would they give only dry food. Others would never give dry food, because that's oh so bad. Others would give anything industrially manufactured, because they prepare the food themselves.

for self-catering lack the time and told me honestly the exercise. With the optimal supplementation need to know also.

radical change I am nothing now. I try the first grain-free dry food with added during my chicks and then I dedicate myself to the wet food. Let's see how calling at Sun

Friday, November 5, 2010

Will Valtrex Stop A 2nd Outbreak

Incredible: kitten barely escaped the Compactor

Again something from the "Without Words" a few week I read the following report in our weekly leaves and was horrified. I quote, simply:

"with unusual stories might find the staff of the Essen shelter probably fill a book earlier this week occurred again a case. the beliefs of animal rights activists in the good in people to the test. On Monday 18 October, at noon, a lady brought a black box with holes in the device at the 24th Street Grillo "Said the lady to us, they would work at Saturn in Essen-Steele at the box press and have found this board to the press," reports a shelter staff member not because of this box came from the electronics store and was provided with holes, was the Scout suspicious. They also have heard a faint meowing from the box. "Since the box was glued extreme, we had to very gently to his, work their contents'. Came to light a small black cat, of about ten weeks old and an adult, uncastrated white-black cat. Not quite escaped the box, they are also already Saturn 'and' Mercury '. "In the box there were also a towel and a copy of the Gazette of 13 weeks Oberhausen October together with a promotional flyer for a pizza from the Oberhausen area. . Therefore presumed that the shelter staff that are both tomcat from Oberhausen "
(names not mentioned - Source:

I think for something not really a words and wonder what the people are well? There but plenty of opportunities to part with the animals. What else is there to animal shelters? The animals are probably scarred for life emotionally. I hope they quickly find einschönes home and never again have to experience something shocking.

Anyone interested can read the full article to this in the local compass. There is also a beautiful picture of the two cats.