Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Are Toilet Tablets Bad?

How it works?

are now again a few days passed and our nutrition project with some Fruit. At first it was difficult for Timmy as for our two ladies. He did not go to the grain-free Trofu. Since the weekend, he touched it on but. He eats while only mini portions but at least he eats it.

I applied a very simple trick. I had once a small tupperware box were filled with cat treats. At that time I had when things were a treat to the dose rustled and already knew my three that there exists something tasty. In recent weeks, there are no more treats. This is because they are not cereal and I can not only two may be some tasty and Mia will have to Guggenheim. Back to topic: Our Timmy touched the food not at all. So I just filled a small amount of the new food in a similar tupperware box and then rustled. All came with the familiar sound of running directly into the kitchen and I gave each a supposed treat. Timmy came to the taste and wanted another one and then another. He got his way this time I gave him two or three more and now he goes also to the food bowls. He tastes not so cream as the previously accustomed Sanabelle but it is the little man just have to get used to. The other two were immediately gmerkt however, that there were no real treats and are offended then get out of the kitchen. But sense and Purpose was to move to eat for me Timmy. As you can see Cats are like us, creatures of habit ;-)

Otherwise, it runs quite well. All cats may not get any tuna fish feed more and Timmy is not so nervous. Would not have believed that it could be because among other things. Well, if you know a nutritionist for animals. I will learn a lot about it. But for my animals the best ;-))


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