Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is 7 Cm Renal Cyst Considered Large Or Small


again something in their own right ... has now since May of this year, a statistical tool that anyone with a blog posting on the Blogger indicates who, when and how to surf on the respective blog.

is interesting is what is displayed on the Google search. The exact search query is explained there. Because few know my full name (ie first and Nachman) so I can count on two hands who could not save the blog address and then searches for names and cats. Since not come as much of the question. My animals and I know not God and the world * * I said very practical

is interesting but also where you are listed on Google and also on previous pages so that traffic sources, this blog is being sought. Audience beyond the point we even know from which parts of the country or searched by the operating systems and browsers, which I find very interesting. How anonymous buzzes no one sees through the web:)

What I find interesting is that - look, so I can adjust my future themes - really even strangers.

Overall, would I want more feedback, but a pet blog is not as dependent as popular as, for example, tech-savvy blogs. Nevertheless, I am also happy about the three-digit number of visitors per month.

So go thank you and enjoy other


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