Friday, November 12, 2010

Richfeel Or Dr. Batra

feed conversion in cats

This month we have made serious thoughts about the food our cats. Although you get premium wet food and a premium dry food, but I've sometimes looked at the ingredients list, specifically the dry food and I noticed how high the percentage of cereal it is. That seems hardly to be healthy. Our Mia is our Moppelchen anyway. It is the thickest among the cats Timmy is indeed heavy in weight, but more slender. Solely opitmales Kimba has weight and is neither too thick nor too thin. She is also the one which is least fussy in terms of food. The main thing it comes on time on the mat ;-)

now have I made my search, I got advice from a nutritionist for animals and have picked a high-quality grain-free food. We have changed the feed now Tock recently. Mia and Kimba have no problem with that, but spurned our Timmy the new food. He seeks only croquettes from recent food (we mix it to still make the switch easier to design) out. He complains, and is quite a bit grumpy. As must be the little man now ...

The grain-free food is now much more meat of which was also required, because cats are not half nunmal vegetarians. Of the grain free varieties, there is only one species in a few different Brands. Currently I have taken from Happy Cat. It was now priced not cheap but not as expensive as that of Hills.
So far I have fed our velvet paws holding with canned food and dry food. They are used to it and I do not know how our picky Timmy responds when I begin to cook. Even cooked chicken, he disdains. He insists on his Almonature tuna. And this brings us to the next topic.

Our Timmy is quasi tuna hooked. He'd like to feed every day. Hardly tuna is on the menu, he hits himself alone, almost 80 grams pure. But cut off the feeding of too much tuna the cat vitamin E and forced the Pansteatitis (yellow fat disease). Ie skin (usually on the abdomen) develop painful fatty lumps. Too much fish leads to aggression and anxiety in cats. But as you wean a cat tuna?

The diet of cats as there is with everything in life, many different opinions. In some forums there are those who never open a can for your baby, would they give only dry food. Others would never give dry food, because that's oh so bad. Others would give anything industrially manufactured, because they prepare the food themselves.

for self-catering lack the time and told me honestly the exercise. With the optimal supplementation need to know also.

radical change I am nothing now. I try the first grain-free dry food with added during my chicks and then I dedicate myself to the wet food. Let's see how calling at Sun


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