Friday, November 26, 2010

Thickbrown Mucus Discharge When Wiping

2 years without Emma

Some may keep me really mad. But I think animal lovers have lost a beloved animal to know what I'm talking about when I say that I am still very difficult when I talk about my cat Emma. You has now been exactly 2 years of death. For me, it's sometimes as if it were yesterday. Of course you have to let go sometime. But I must admit I miss this cat since the day of your death.

Everything has stuck by it are set out in our photos. Today on her death, I remember very often to the whole issue back then. Her sudden death is so unexpected. That's life, that I know, but I would have liked a few more years longer with her. It was only 5 years. Since that time I was very often alone, she was the one who gave you comfort me every day and always has been donated by my side. Therefore, everything is again twice as hard.

particular our Timmy reminds me sometimes of Emma. He has some traits that Emma is the same. However, it was just as individual as all my other animals and never will be someone who is well or will be. This need not be, because just the individual I love about cats.

This day is very hard for me, but I am positive about the future. I've also learned to let go of something, but forget I will never Emma. You will always have this special place in my life. Worth it has the sole, because it was as it was, namely, the cat touched my heart.


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