false pregnancy in rabbits I've even bothered to put all my information together. Perhaps it can be helpful other holders.
trigger a false pregnancy
Although a castrato of course does not procreate more, mated the rabbit but it can with her a few hours after the act in the formation of egg cells in the follicles come. It is not fertilized, but the so-called yellow bodies form anyway. The corpus luteum produce progesterone (pregnancy hormone) are thus triggering the false pregnancy.
Possible signs and duration of a false pregnancy:
- the rabbit behaves at the beginning of the false pregnancy, both to her partner (or group) and possibly to the holder unusually aggressive. (Expulsion of common food and beds, etc.)
- you behave during the entire duration of very nervous, anxious and possibly more growl.
- weight loss (usually only minor) also occurs frequently, as the rabbit eats less.
- Sometimes swell to the teats and, finally, secretion of milk.
- Towards the end of false pregnancy, the doe begins to build the nest. Then she gathered hay and spread it out on the chosen nesting site. They also pluck their undercoat out of the belly fur to bolstering it.
These signs are not always available . It may be that they are just anxious, or eat less but the false pregnancy occurs without nesting. Some females is nothing of everything on it and "bitchy" about something. This is very individually and be able to make from time to time different.
The duration is approximately 2 to 3 weeks. Within this time the corpus luteum are reduced. The symptoms such as aggressiveness or nesting occur only late in pregnancy. We get so general with only the end of a false pregnancy.
way you can support his doe during this time: run
Most false pregnancies very dangerous. With a few simple steps can make it to her but as pleasant as possible.
is important to make room . Due to the displacement of the party or the rest of the group should ensure that the enclosure open / widely, so that all animals as much as possible to avoid it. The female of the group or to separate from the partner is not recommended and has impact on the future cohabitation after the false pregnancy (the hierarchy).
nesting |
the rabbit building a nest
, it should never be put away
. The rabbit gets this under massive stress
, because they would already have finished the nest before birth and would always start a new nest building. The time is indeed up to the alleged birth of increasingly scarce and the effect of stress on the animal would be absolutely the opposite. Since the nesting begins at the end of false pregnancy and the behavior on the whole to a close, you should put it away only when the rabbit's nest is no longer observed. You notice the doe so also that it is again accessible and quiet. counteract
To the nervousness / aggressiveness , the doe can find high-quality forage also soothing herbal either fresh or - as a rich tea - if it is accepted. Here is especially chamomile, fennel, basil or sage)
Since the females eat less in general, should be paid to precious food. Important: Too fast or too big decrease in serious health risk to the female rabbits should therefore means - if possible precaution-weighed, so you can act quickly when exposed to great loss. Possibly. you can with Critical Care (Aufpäppelfutter which is generally very much) to feed on.
How many false pregnancies are normal?
If a false pregnancy no more than 2-3 times a year occurs shall be deemed harmless. Only when the course of dramatic or protracted, is a veterinarian, the animal must be presented, as there might be a serious health risk to the female. Mostly first time hormones are administered. The administration of hormones is not free of side effects and the long term not the solution.
The castration of females is only one solution when it comes to permanent false pregnancies. So it must first be balanced and should be undertaken only in otherwise healthy animals.
unique ceiling as a solution to future false pregnancies? course, there are again those who claim that can prevent even cover the doe first appearance or future pregnancies. course is not! false pregnancies also occur when a doe has been thrown. There is the prevention not.
Suffers a doe often in complicated pregnancies, her appearance is not helped by a real pregnancy. In most cases this represents a disease of the uterus or ovaries. This should be investigated. The right pregnancy can lead to miscarriage or what is known as gestational. Because the female dies sometimes.
Such practices are not only grossly negligent but also immoral. It will possibly also lead to land again a few baby rabbits at the shelter because they themselves can not or will not provide.