Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Many Minutes A Day Do We Gain

Then I would not hide from you the great card, which I have received from
Nathaly from the creative portal
the monthly card swap.
The theme this time, as already mentioned, according to "light blue / silver

Hiv Rapid Test 3 Month Accuracy

At last I've managed to do with the scrapbooking.
result is a birth of Patrick Lo. Lo
This matches the monthly Scrapchallange in the craft grotto.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lenntek Sonix Micro Earbuds


Yesterday I could make some nice shots of Timmy. I will be uploading in the gallery, but this one I found quite funny so I put it as an eye catcher ;-))

Kung Fu Timmy

Monday, January 24, 2011

Question About Audition For Jyp


Last Wednesday we had a full moon. I have from childhood to problems getting to sleep when the moon is full. I do not know why, but it has been ever Sun Now I want but do not tell me, but is of our cat Timmy.

I noticed that the boy ran into the full moon like a carved through the house and made noise. He was very restless and bleated as though to himself. He also angered Mia & Kimba. I once heard that animals react to the moon phases. Now I wonder whether this is really so, or if I transfer my own uneasiness (back and forth roll in bed) on Timmy. Who knows maybe he's there, too sensitive for that. Our Kimba also always pees when I'm sad and then cry. Maybe he was just annoyed constant pounding from Hazel. That was finally the night when I converted the living room and the door had to close so that my cats confuse free-range rabbit with no toys.

On 19 March is full moon again then I'm the eighth time on it if he so again by the wind. But I would be really interesting times if there is something like a lunar addiction in animals.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Motorcycle Club Cake Designs

re & a heart a soul

this time a current photo of our nose hair. After the false pregnancy again seems to be over, the two again, heart and soul. Here they just make her a dose of herbs:)

Studded Michelin Tires

false pregnancy in rabbits

I've even bothered to put all my information together. Perhaps it can be helpful other holders.

trigger a false pregnancy

Although a castrato of course does not procreate more, mated the rabbit but it can with her a few hours after the act in the formation of egg cells in the follicles come. It is not fertilized, but the so-called yellow bodies form anyway. The corpus luteum produce progesterone (pregnancy hormone) are thus triggering the false pregnancy.

Possible signs and duration of a false pregnancy:
  • the rabbit behaves at the beginning of the false pregnancy, both to her partner (or group) and possibly to the holder unusually aggressive. (Expulsion of common food and beds, etc.)
  • you behave during the entire duration of very nervous, anxious and possibly more growl.
  • weight loss (usually only minor) also occurs frequently, as the rabbit eats less.
  • Sometimes swell to the teats and, finally, secretion of milk.
  • Towards the end of false pregnancy, the doe begins to build the nest. Then she gathered hay and spread it out on the chosen nesting site. They also pluck their undercoat out of the belly fur to bolstering it.
These signs are not always available . It may be that they are just anxious, or eat less but the false pregnancy occurs without nesting. Some females is nothing of everything on it and "bitchy" about something. This is very individually and be able to make from time to time different.
The duration is approximately 2 to 3 weeks. Within this time the corpus luteum are reduced. The symptoms such as aggressiveness or nesting occur only late in pregnancy. We get so general with only the end of a false pregnancy.

way you can support his doe during this time:

Most false pregnancies very dangerous. With a few simple steps can make it to her but as pleasant as possible.

is important to make room . Due to the displacement of the party or the rest of the group should ensure that the enclosure open / widely, so that all animals as much as possible to avoid it. The female of the group or to separate from the partner is not recommended and has impact on the future cohabitation after the false pregnancy (the hierarchy).

the rabbit building a nest , it should never be put away . The rabbit gets this under massive stress , because they would already have finished the nest before birth and would always start a new nest building. The time is indeed up to the alleged birth of increasingly scarce and the effect of stress on the animal would be absolutely the opposite. Since the nesting begins at the end of false pregnancy and the behavior on the whole to a close, you should put it away only when the rabbit's nest is no longer observed. You notice the doe so also that it is again accessible and quiet. counteract

To the nervousness / aggressiveness , the doe can find high-quality forage also soothing herbal either fresh or - as a rich tea - if it is accepted. Here is especially chamomile, fennel, basil or sage)

Since the females eat less in general, should be paid to precious food. Important: Too fast or too big decrease in serious health risk to the female rabbits should therefore means - if possible precaution-weighed, so you can act quickly when exposed to great loss. Possibly. you can with Critical Care (Aufpäppelfutter which is generally very much) to feed on.

How many false pregnancies are normal?

If a false pregnancy no more than 2-3 times a year occurs shall be deemed harmless. Only when the course of dramatic or protracted, is a veterinarian, the animal must be presented, as there might be a serious health risk to the female. Mostly first time hormones are administered. The administration of hormones is not free of side effects and the long term not the solution.

The castration of females is only one solution when it comes to permanent false pregnancies. So it must first be balanced and should be undertaken only in otherwise healthy animals.

unique ceiling as a solution to future false pregnancies?

course, there are again those who claim that can prevent even cover the doe first appearance or future pregnancies. course is not! false pregnancies also occur when a doe has been thrown. There is the prevention not.
Suffers a doe often in complicated pregnancies, her appearance is not helped by a real pregnancy. In most cases this represents a disease of the uterus or ovaries. This should be investigated. The right pregnancy can lead to miscarriage or what is known as gestational. Because the female dies sometimes.

Such practices are not only grossly negligent but also immoral. It will possibly also lead to land again a few baby rabbits at the shelter because they themselves can not or will not provide.

Will Herpes Fizz With Hydrogen Peroxide

arm Fienchen

had with horror this week, we find that our FIENI is apparently pregnant. A week ago I had found that Fienchen is extremely moody. Well she is a girl - this is still a very dominant, the girl has her Hazel under control - and now and also very moody. The little bitch has devastated the entire enclosure. No sooner had we all swept threw it back out the entire litter from the toilet, tore the good singing carpets that serve as a base and threw the food and hay through the area. On Sunday she added as I was also bitten in the enclosure. There was now no hard bite but she grunted and gasped. Since the enclosure but now I wanted to help again at the usual order and constantly gnawed me around, I read the two Wuselmonster explore the whole living room. So I could at least clean up in peace and create order. I meant nothing too wild. The only thing I noticed that she no longer knew how Monday and Tuesday with Hazel. The quite large enclosure was suddenly too small for both. They chased Hazel where they could. The poor Hazel did not know what hit him. But it was unstable, because after the evening feed both vegetables were cuddling each other again. That is why I put reverb on their normal Zickereien. However, I had also noticed that they ate less than usual, because she stopped eating but not completely stopped me I was not so worried.

Tuesday I saw a picture of horror. When I came home and the two feeding wish I looked like Fieni by enclosure and was rushed to the undercoat plucked from the breast area. Now it was clear! Fienchen is apparent pregnancy. Super, I have back then when I got the rabbit neutered just Hazel. The Art said that would be enough to neuter and the lady would be much riskier than a kid. This is our Fienchen after 2 years the first time ticket is pregnant I have not thought of.

Now I had to get again in a couple of people ask who consider themselves rabbits, which has implications for a false pregnancy and how long it lasts. The fur pulling is almost the end of pregnancy. In recent days, a female aggressive than anything else explains their behavior was the ultimate.

On the night of Thursday we had it right palaver! Fieni has Hazel ran so in such a way that I had to break down at 00:30 at night clock half our living room and cable pull had, so I could run the two in the whole living room and thus created the possibility of each other to avoid it. Hazel clapped wildly and I had the neighbors are afraid at some point before our door. They could go a little out of the way and after 2 hours it was reasonably quiet. Our cats did not like it they had to find it all in the bedroom to sleep. When I came into the living room in the morning the situation had calmed. Yesterday again was all the same. Fieni noticed her nest and we could not rid of it again. The two are also back, heart and soul.

I hope that Fienchen is not even apparent until pregnancy. I you would not like to expect a castration. We will continue to monitor.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vergina Fom The Inside

After a long time ago I made back in the creative portal
at times with a card swap.
The theme this time according to "light blue / silver.
Actually so not my color.
But I think as bad are the colors of the "Lizzy" not at all.
you are somehow all colors.
Unfortunately the photo does not become so hot. Colored

I have with the way Twinklings.
And for the silver I have taken the Twinklingsstickles. In

Friday, January 14, 2011

Most Common Pick 3 Lottery

action: against factory farming

There really is nothing more sacred abart. Factory farming is not at all times.

About my Twitter account, I came across the site of an organization. This association calls zwcks petition / petition to phase out factory farming. In petitions I am always two divided. Some people bring their concerns over so aggressive and condemning people who - for whatever reason - still, or like to eat meat.

times I quote here a sentence of this organization I fully understands and moves me to this petition to participate:

"You have not vegan, not vegetarian, not even be an animal lover, to see that there is political control requirements We call therefore on all responsible people. join us: we demand to phase out factory farming and the transformation to a social-ecological agriculture "! (Source:

The situation as such, also because of the current problems of dioxin scandal goes all us something. It is well known never too late to move something and therefore I hope that even more people - participate in this action - perhaps even some of my readers.

Each individual can - even if he does not give a signature - factory farming to counter in that he obtained information in the future exactly where the deed to the meat comes from. I do not like anybody to convert to vegetarian. I myself also like to eat a piece of meat. But we do not buy anything more for discounters. There are a few in the area really butchers who slaughter Soch themselves and give information if the meat comes from somewhere else. Of course, one must then rely on the word of those. I personally prefer to give a little more money as a commodity to buy. Because such conduct would not support me. Everyone should decide for themselves.
to action page you go HERE long.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eukaryotic Meningitis Symptoms

private-vision Gnome theme this month according to the "good luck". For the love
Zinzia I have my PB-mouse transformed a little.
Instead of the snowflake, I just made shamrocks.
Then I tried yet at the same time in the Patchwork style,
the issue we had at the weekend.

Friday, January 7, 2011

How Do Reprogram A Clifford Alarm

For private vision tl. the Gnome theme this month
"good luck".
schokofee I got from this cute house mouse card.

And when storing Matters of my Christmas crafts table
has fallen even more this Christmas card from Gila55 (handicrafts cave) in the
I had hidden so well that I had totally forgotten. * Lol *

Thank you both for the beautiful cards.

Are There Blueprrints For The Hidden Balade


In the new year is what private-wide vision with
has ElManu This time the theme of "patchwork" selected.
I opted for the version of the "lichen".

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nadine J And Mlena Velba

link re: House Tiger Blog

In my "blogroll" You now finds the house Tigers blog. There are a lot of information on husbandry, animal welfare, health, Artur liters and more. Absolutely worth reading!

Have fun!

My Two Year Old's Scalp Is Scaly

animal souls

Here we make some of the world of cats Literature:

However, I read the novel at the time not with a Cat busy, but a guide I've found browsing on

animal souls - How to consciously and lovingly live together with animals, published in April 2010 in Aquarmarin-Verlag. It treats the issue of how to deal with pets and as what to see them. To our times our pets are not just pets. Rather, they are companions indeed practically equal partners. Like our fellow human beings, we should move even his pets with the same respect contrary.

Essentially, it is important that we raise awareness within the co-existence, respect and understanding for his animals should. All this is explained in various sections of path:
  • the coming together of man and animal
  • a common path in the coexistence
  • find joy in life bring
  • everyday habits as important rituals Watch
  • consider diseases of animals re- and aid in healing are aware
  • deal with dying

The book shows us how to live with animals "can", but not by us prescribes à la Erzieuhngsrageber what we have to do as the holder (something like feed make this food, the litter tray and then play it clean, to the and times, etc.). As the holder gets to teach how to raise understanding and above all how to sharpen his wits to better meet the spiritual needs of his animals.

I do not understand it only as a guide in dealing with animals, but as for us humans. For example, as psychological support, our life through a positive attitude - with the help of our animals - to change for the better. Very interesting, the topic is the transfer of "negativity" of human to animal. I have already experienced several times if I was in a bad atmosphere and our Kimba was very nervous then and has even peed because they felt perhaps in response to. I find the book incredibly interesting especially as I am, too with the soul of cat issues dealing.

The authors have a naturopath long experience match report and some interesting cases to the respective topics described. Not a good adviser, only for the animal lover, but is for everyone, the better his life and the change of his animals / wants. Therefore, it also gets to me not only 4 paws, but equal to 5, because the book has much to me moved or brought to consciousness ;-)

Woman Playing With Shower Curtain

rabbit shelter

FIENI & Hazel have unfortunately not a nice dwelling more ;-( (

Previous days I've noticed in the enclosure cleaning, the roof of the dwelling (Kuschelhöhle) somehow labbrig acts. The fabric-covered lid looked so wrinkled. So I got myself the first time everything just looked and saw that the board is bent the roof is. Oki was not Fieni's work (yes, they like to nibble on everything in the enclosure). The two had even greater Kuschlehöhle scratch from an old tree with two inputs as a dwelling had. Both were sitting and were also happy in it. It was no longer repairable because staples already expressed through the cloth. Now I had to remove the dwelling.

times I then dug in the basement and have yet to find a smaller cozy cave of our old cat tree cats. However, this is not accepted. Probably because there are too few escape routes and it also offers less space. I hope I find times in any fund of a new home for the two. Previously they had a dwelling made of wood but that was but never used. This cave was immediately accepted. Too bad. To offer more withdrawal options do I have now made another cover of an unused litter tray into the enclosure. Fienchen pushes them but only from right to left.

Otherwise I can not say anything further about my nose hair as they are still bright as something did not happen or would be worthwhile to write about.

I am still looking for a reasonable literature on rabbits. I would like to also deal with natural methods, but there is really little. But in time will find there something.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Warm Up Songs With No Words

Welcome in 2011

The old year is over now and for our animals start of a new year. I think I speak for all when I say that we are all glad that the holiday stress is over. It has also played at our house but nothing. Out of respect for my animals we move the family and friends gatherings almost always somewhere else. Our kitty Kimba is anyway very sensitive and as we do its only a good thing if we do not busy over the holiday celebrations. Despite that, we had no home celebrations, it was hectic before Christmas, since we were traveling more often than planned. Anyone who reads my human fate knows by now that we drove our car broken. Hm was not so hot and we were really ready. Was full of sweet that Mia has a nose for when someone needs comfort. She came in immediately and do not read my own.

the Christmas tree, we have denied ourselves this year, as our Timmy already my Advent flower arrangement with candle threw down and played with the table decoration. He would tear down the tree for sure: D I still have the hope that it will be quiet over the next year and then we can try with the tree.

Since we had before and during the holidays without more, of course we were always home. The cats have got used already totally tuned and "besiege" us day and night. Chill and cuddle for hours was announced. Above all, our Kimba can no longer depend on us. If we do not sit on the couch with a blanket she runs to the couch and screaming until someone finally snuggles up to the ceiling and sit down. Then it is the first which makes it comfortably on your lap. Very torn our Diva! Previously, she was always away and never came into the living room. Today she is here to stay by our side. I think that's really beautiful. Even among gabs less noise. Timmy sets Mia more often alone. Maybe he realized that Misa does not want to romp. Otherwise, it was

as I said very quietly and there was nothing great new.

Here are some snapshots from the last days: